path: root/midi_launchpad_mini_integrationtest.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'midi_launchpad_mini_integrationtest.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 387 deletions
diff --git a/midi_launchpad_mini_integrationtest.py b/midi_launchpad_mini_integrationtest.py
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--- a/midi_launchpad_mini_integrationtest.py
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-import pytest
-from midi_controller_launchpad_mini import MidiController
-from solo_tool import SoloTool
-from player_mock import Player as PlayerMock
-LED_RED = 3
-LED_GREEN = 124
-LED_OFF = 0
-nextSongButton = 119
-previousSongButton = 118
-playPauseButton = 112
-stopButton = 96
-nextLimitButton = 103
-previousLimitButton = 102
-abToggleButton = 101
-jumpToAButton = 99
-class MidiWrapperMock:
- def __init__(self):
- self.callback = None
- self.connectedDevice = None
- self.sentMessages = list()
- def setCallback(self, callback):
- self.callback = callback
- def connect(self, deviceName):
- self.connectedDevice = deviceName
- def sendMessage(self, note, velocity, channel):
- self.sentMessages.append((note, velocity, channel))
- def simulateInput(self, note, velocity=127, channel=0):
- if self.callback is not None:
- from mido import Message
- msg = Message("note_on", note=note, velocity=velocity, channel=channel)
- self.callback(msg)
- def getLatestMessage(self):
- return self.sentMessages[-1]
-def playerMock():
- return PlayerMock()
-def soloTool(playerMock):
- return SoloTool(playerMock)
-def midiWrapperMock():
- return MidiWrapperMock()
-def uut(soloTool, midiWrapperMock):
- return MidiController(soloTool, midiWrapperMock)
-def test_connect(uut, midiWrapperMock):
- expectedDevice = "Launchpad Mini MIDI 1"
- uut.connect()
- assert midiWrapperMock.connectedDevice == expectedDevice
-def test_startStopAndPauseButtons(uut, midiWrapperMock, playerMock):
- uut.connect()
- assert playerMock.state == PlayerMock.STOPPED
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(playPauseButton)
- assert playerMock.state == PlayerMock.PLAYING
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, MidiController.LED_GREEN, 0)
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(stopButton)
- assert playerMock.state == PlayerMock.STOPPED
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, MidiController.LED_YELLOW, 0)
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(playPauseButton)
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, MidiController.LED_GREEN, 0)
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(playPauseButton)
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, MidiController.LED_YELLOW, 0)
- assert playerMock.state == PlayerMock.PAUSED
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(playPauseButton)
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, MidiController.LED_GREEN, 0)
- assert playerMock.state == PlayerMock.PLAYING
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(playPauseButton)
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, MidiController.LED_YELLOW, 0)
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(stopButton)
- assert playerMock.state == PlayerMock.STOPPED
-def test_startPauseButtonLed(uut, midiWrapperMock, playerMock, soloTool):
- uut.connect()
- assert playerMock.state == PlayerMock.STOPPED
- playerMock.state = PlayerMock.PLAYING
- playerMock.simulatePlayingStateChanged()
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, MidiController.LED_GREEN, 0)
- playerMock.state = PlayerMock.STOPPED
- playerMock.simulatePlayingStateChanged()
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, MidiController.LED_YELLOW, 0)
- playerMock.state = PlayerMock.PAUSED
- playerMock.simulatePlayingStateChanged()
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, MidiController.LED_YELLOW, 0)
- playerMock.state = PlayerMock.PLAYING
- playerMock.simulatePlayingStateChanged()
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, MidiController.LED_GREEN, 0)
-def test_abToggleButton(uut, midiWrapperMock, soloTool):
- uut.connect()
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(abToggleButton)
- assert soloTool.isAbLimitEnabled()
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (abToggleButton, MidiController.LED_GREEN, 0)
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(abToggleButton)
- assert not soloTool.isAbLimitEnabled()
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (abToggleButton, MidiController.LED_RED, 0)
-def test_abToggleButtonLed(uut, midiWrapperMock, soloTool):
- uut.connect()
- soloTool.setAbLimitEnable(True)
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (abToggleButton, MidiController.LED_GREEN, 0)
- soloTool.setAbLimitEnable(False)
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (abToggleButton, MidiController.LED_RED, 0)
-def test_jumpToAButton(uut, midiWrapperMock, soloTool, playerMock):
- ab = (0.5, 0.6)
- uut.connect()
- soloTool.setAbLimits(ab[0], ab[1])
- assert playerMock.position == 0.0
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(jumpToAButton)
- assert playerMock.position == ab[0]
-def test_previousAndNextSongButtons(uut, midiWrapperMock, soloTool, playerMock):
- songs = [
- "test.flac",
- "test.mp3"
- ]
- for s in songs:
- soloTool.addSong(s)
- uut.connect()
- assert playerMock.currentSong == None
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(nextSongButton)
- assert playerMock.currentSong == songs[0]
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(nextSongButton)
- assert playerMock.currentSong == songs[1]
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(previousSongButton)
- assert playerMock.currentSong == songs[0]
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(previousSongButton)
- assert playerMock.currentSong == songs[0]
-def test_previousAndNextAbButtons(uut, midiWrapperMock, soloTool, playerMock):
- song = "test.flac"
- abLimits = [
- [0.2, 0.4],
- [0.1, 0.3]
- ]
- soloTool.addSong(song)
- soloTool.setSong(0)
- soloTool.setAbLimitEnable(True)
- for ab in abLimits:
- soloTool.storeAbLimits(ab[0], ab[1])
- uut.connect()
- def checkLimit(aLimit, bLimit):
- playerMock.position = bLimit - 0.1
- soloTool.tick()
- assert playerMock.position == bLimit - 0.1
- playerMock.position = bLimit + 0.1
- soloTool.tick()
- assert playerMock.position == aLimit
- checkLimit(0.0, 0.0)
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(nextLimitButton)
- checkLimit(abLimits[0][0], abLimits[0][1])
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(nextLimitButton)
- checkLimit(abLimits[1][0], abLimits[1][1])
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(nextLimitButton)
- checkLimit(abLimits[1][0], abLimits[1][1])
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(previousLimitButton)
- checkLimit(abLimits[0][0], abLimits[0][1])
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(previousLimitButton)
- checkLimit(abLimits[0][0], abLimits[0][1])
-def test_playbackRateButtons(uut, midiWrapperMock, soloTool, playerMock):
- playbackRateOptions = {
- 16 : (0.5, [LED_YELLOW] * 1 + [LED_OFF] * 7),
- 17 : (0.6, [LED_YELLOW] * 2 + [LED_OFF] * 6),
- 18 : (0.7, [LED_YELLOW] * 3 + [LED_OFF] * 5),
- 19 : (0.8, [LED_YELLOW] * 4 + [LED_OFF] * 4),
- 20 : (0.9, [LED_YELLOW] * 5 + [LED_OFF] * 3),
- 21 : (1.0, [LED_YELLOW] * 6 + [LED_OFF] * 2),
- 22 : (1.1, [LED_YELLOW] * 7 + [LED_OFF] * 1),
- 23 : (1.2, [LED_YELLOW] * 8)
- }
- uut.connect()
- assert playerMock.rate == 1.0
- for t, button in enumerate(playbackRateOptions):
- midiWrapperMock.sentMessages.clear()
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(button)
- assert playerMock.rate == playbackRateOptions[button][0]
- for i, colour in enumerate(playbackRateOptions[button][1]):
- assert midiWrapperMock.sentMessages[i] == (16 + i, colour, 0)
-def test_playbackRateLeds(uut, midiWrapperMock, soloTool, playerMock):
- playbackRateOptions = [
- (0.00, [LED_OFF] * 8),
- (0.49, [LED_OFF] * 8),
- (0.50, [LED_YELLOW] * 1 + [LED_OFF] * 7),
- (0.59, [LED_YELLOW] * 1 + [LED_OFF] * 7),
- (0.60, [LED_YELLOW] * 2 + [LED_OFF] * 6),
- (0.69, [LED_YELLOW] * 2 + [LED_OFF] * 6),
- (0.70, [LED_YELLOW] * 3 + [LED_OFF] * 5),
- (0.79, [LED_YELLOW] * 3 + [LED_OFF] * 5),
- (0.80, [LED_YELLOW] * 4 + [LED_OFF] * 4),
- (0.89, [LED_YELLOW] * 4 + [LED_OFF] * 4),
- (0.90, [LED_YELLOW] * 5 + [LED_OFF] * 3),
- (0.99, [LED_YELLOW] * 5 + [LED_OFF] * 3),
- (1.00, [LED_YELLOW] * 6 + [LED_OFF] * 2),
- (1.09, [LED_YELLOW] * 6 + [LED_OFF] * 2),
- (1.10, [LED_YELLOW] * 7 + [LED_OFF] * 1),
- (1.19, [LED_YELLOW] * 7 + [LED_OFF] * 1),
- (1.2, [LED_YELLOW] * 8),
- (1.5, [LED_YELLOW] * 8)
- ]
- uut.connect()
- assert playerMock.rate == 1.0
- for t, (rate, leds) in enumerate(playbackRateOptions):
- midiWrapperMock.sentMessages.clear()
- soloTool.setPlaybackRate(rate)
- assert playerMock.rate == rate
- for i, colour in enumerate(leds):
- assert midiWrapperMock.sentMessages[i] == (16 + i, colour, 0)
-def test_playbackVolumeButtons(uut, midiWrapperMock, soloTool, playerMock):
- playbackVolumeOptions = {
- 0 : (0.5, [LED_GREEN] * 1 + [LED_OFF] * 7),
- 1 : (0.6, [LED_GREEN] * 2 + [LED_OFF] * 6),
- 2 : (0.7, [LED_GREEN] * 3 + [LED_OFF] * 5),
- 3 : (0.8, [LED_GREEN] * 4 + [LED_OFF] * 4),
- 4 : (0.9, [LED_GREEN] * 5 + [LED_OFF] * 3),
- 5 : (1.0, [LED_GREEN] * 6 + [LED_OFF] * 2),
- 6 : (1.1, [LED_GREEN] * 7 + [LED_OFF] * 1),
- 7 : (1.2, [LED_GREEN] * 8)
- }
- uut.connect()
- assert playerMock.volume == 1.0
- for t, button in enumerate(playbackVolumeOptions):
- midiWrapperMock.sentMessages.clear()
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(button)
- assert playerMock.volume == playbackVolumeOptions[button][0]
- for i, colour in enumerate(playbackVolumeOptions[button][1]):
- assert midiWrapperMock.sentMessages[i] == (i, colour, 0)
-def test_playbackVolumeLeds(uut, midiWrapperMock, soloTool, playerMock):
- playbackVolumeOptions = [
- (0.00, [LED_OFF] * 8),
- (0.49, [LED_OFF] * 8),
- (0.50, [LED_GREEN] * 1 + [LED_OFF] * 7),
- (0.59, [LED_GREEN] * 1 + [LED_OFF] * 7),
- (0.60, [LED_GREEN] * 2 + [LED_OFF] * 6),
- (0.69, [LED_GREEN] * 2 + [LED_OFF] * 6),
- (0.70, [LED_GREEN] * 3 + [LED_OFF] * 5),
- (0.79, [LED_GREEN] * 3 + [LED_OFF] * 5),
- (0.80, [LED_GREEN] * 4 + [LED_OFF] * 4),
- (0.89, [LED_GREEN] * 4 + [LED_OFF] * 4),
- (0.90, [LED_GREEN] * 5 + [LED_OFF] * 3),
- (0.99, [LED_GREEN] * 5 + [LED_OFF] * 3),
- (1.00, [LED_GREEN] * 6 + [LED_OFF] * 2),
- (1.09, [LED_GREEN] * 6 + [LED_OFF] * 2),
- (1.10, [LED_GREEN] * 7 + [LED_OFF] * 1),
- (1.19, [LED_GREEN] * 7 + [LED_OFF] * 1),
- (1.2, [LED_GREEN] * 8),
- (1.5, [LED_GREEN] * 8)
- ]
- uut.connect()
- assert playerMock.volume == 1.0
- for t, (volume, leds) in enumerate(playbackVolumeOptions):
- midiWrapperMock.sentMessages.clear()
- soloTool.setPlaybackVolume(volume)
- assert playerMock.volume == volume
- for i, colour in enumerate(leds):
- assert midiWrapperMock.sentMessages[i] == (i, colour, 0)
-def test_unassignedButton(uut, midiWrapperMock):
- unassignedButton = 48
- uut.connect()
- # expect no crash
- midiWrapperMock.simulateInput(unassignedButton)
- # XXX would be better to assert that nothing changed in the solo tool
-def test_initializationMessages(uut, midiWrapperMock):
- expectedMessages = set(
- [(int(i / 8) * 16 + (i % 8), LED_OFF, 0) for i in range(0, 64)] + # clear all
- [(i, LED_GREEN, 0) for i in range(0, 6)] + # volume row
- [(i, LED_YELLOW, 0) for i in range(16, 22)] + # playback rate row
- [
- (stopButton, LED_RED, 0),
- (playPauseButton, LED_YELLOW, 0),
- (abToggleButton, LED_RED, 0),
- (jumpToAButton, LED_YELLOW, 0),
- (previousLimitButton, LED_RED, 0),
- (nextLimitButton, LED_GREEN, 0),
- (previousSongButton, LED_RED, 0),
- (nextSongButton, LED_GREEN, 0)
- ]
- )
- uut.connect()
- sentMessagesSet = set(midiWrapperMock.sentMessages)
- assert sentMessagesSet == expectedMessages
-def test_playingFeedbackWhenChangingSong(uut, midiWrapperMock, soloTool, playerMock):
- songs = [
- "test.flac",
- "test.mp3"
- ]
- for s in songs:
- soloTool.addSong(s)
- uut.connect()
- soloTool.setSong(0)
- soloTool.play()
- assert playerMock.state == PlayerMock.PLAYING
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, LED_GREEN, 0)
- soloTool.nextSong()
- assert playerMock.state == PlayerMock.STOPPED
- assert midiWrapperMock.getLatestMessage() == (playPauseButton, LED_YELLOW, 0)