path: root/solo-tool-project/test/solo_tool_integrationtest.py
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authorEddy Pedroni <epedroni@pm.me>2024-11-09 20:35:56 +0100
committerEddy Pedroni <epedroni@pm.me>2024-11-09 20:35:56 +0100
commitcda8197669409689be291660f93cb288ab2d31b3 (patch)
tree81db9b0c7c0491e0737cbffb39af6b935c0dfeb8 /solo-tool-project/test/solo_tool_integrationtest.py
parenta2257a900d4fffd6f94b73f1c48c62370ed1d684 (diff)
Migrate to project-based structure
Diffstat (limited to 'solo-tool-project/test/solo_tool_integrationtest.py')
1 files changed, 594 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/solo-tool-project/test/solo_tool_integrationtest.py b/solo-tool-project/test/solo_tool_integrationtest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5903abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solo-tool-project/test/solo_tool_integrationtest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+import pathlib
+import shutil
+import pytest
+from solo_tool.solo_tool import SoloTool
+from player_mock import Player as MockPlayer
+def mockPlayer():
+ return MockPlayer()
+def uut(mockPlayer):
+ return SoloTool(mockPlayer)
+def prepared_tmp_path(tmp_path):
+ testFiles = [
+ "test.flac",
+ "test.mp3",
+ "test_session.json"
+ ]
+ for f in testFiles:
+ shutil.copy(pathlib.Path(f), tmp_path)
+ return tmp_path
+def checkLimit(uut, mockPlayer, aLimit, bLimit):
+ mockPlayer.position = bLimit - 0.1
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == bLimit - 0.1
+ mockPlayer.position = bLimit + 0.1
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == aLimit
+def test_playerControls(uut, mockPlayer):
+ assert mockPlayer.state == MockPlayer.STOPPED
+ assert uut.isPlaying() == False
+ uut.play()
+ assert mockPlayer.state == MockPlayer.PLAYING
+ assert uut.isPlaying() == True
+ uut.pause()
+ assert mockPlayer.state == MockPlayer.PAUSED
+ assert uut.isPlaying() == False
+ uut.stop()
+ assert mockPlayer.state == MockPlayer.STOPPED
+ assert uut.isPlaying() == False
+ assert mockPlayer.rate == 1.0
+ uut.setPlaybackRate(0.5)
+ assert mockPlayer.rate == 0.5
+ assert mockPlayer.position == 0.0
+ uut.setPlaybackPosition(0.5)
+ assert mockPlayer.position == 0.5
+ assert mockPlayer.volume == 1.0
+ uut.setPlaybackVolume(0.5)
+ assert mockPlayer.volume == 0.5
+def test_addAndSetSongs(uut, mockPlayer):
+ songs = [
+ "test.flac",
+ "test.mp3"
+ ]
+ for s in songs:
+ uut.addSong(s)
+ assert mockPlayer.currentSong == None
+ for i, s in enumerate(songs):
+ uut.setSong(i)
+ assert mockPlayer.currentSong == songs[i]
+def test_nextAndPreviousSong(uut, mockPlayer):
+ songs = [
+ "test.flac",
+ "test.mp3"
+ ]
+ for s in songs:
+ uut.addSong(s)
+ assert mockPlayer.currentSong == None
+ uut.nextSong()
+ assert mockPlayer.currentSong == songs[0]
+ uut.previousSong()
+ assert mockPlayer.currentSong == songs[0]
+ uut.nextSong()
+ assert mockPlayer.currentSong == songs[1]
+ uut.nextSong()
+ assert mockPlayer.currentSong == songs[1]
+def test_addAndSetAbLimits(uut, mockPlayer):
+ song = "test.flac"
+ abLimits = [
+ [0.2, 0.4],
+ [0.1, 0.3]
+ ]
+ uut.addSong(song)
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ for ab in abLimits:
+ uut.storeAbLimits(ab[0], ab[1])
+ mockPlayer.position = 0.0
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == 0.0
+ mockPlayer.position = 0.5
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == 0.5
+ uut.loadAbLimits(0)
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == 0.5
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(True)
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == 0.2
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == 0.2
+ uut.loadAbLimits(1)
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == 0.2
+ mockPlayer.position = 0.8
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == 0.1
+def test_abLimitEnabledGetter(uut):
+ assert not uut.isAbLimitEnabled()
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(True)
+ assert uut.isAbLimitEnabled()
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(False)
+ assert not uut.isAbLimitEnabled()
+def test_multipleSongsAndAbLimits(uut, mockPlayer):
+ songs = [
+ "test.flac",
+ "test.mp3"
+ ]
+ abLimits = [
+ [0.2, 0.4],
+ [0.5, 0.7]
+ ]
+ for s in songs:
+ uut.addSong(s)
+ for i, l in enumerate(abLimits):
+ uut.setSong(i)
+ uut.storeAbLimits(l[0], l[1])
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(True)
+ for i, l in enumerate(abLimits):
+ uut.setSong(i)
+ uut.loadAbLimits(0)
+ mockPlayer.position = l[0]
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == l[0]
+ mockPlayer.position = l[1] + 0.1
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == l[0]
+def test_storeAbLimitsWithoutSong(uut, mockPlayer):
+ song = "test.flac"
+ abLimit = [0.2, 0.4]
+ overflow = abLimit[1] + 0.1
+ default = 0.0
+ mockPlayer.position = overflow
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(True)
+ uut.storeAbLimits(abLimit[0], abLimit[1])
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == default
+ mockPlayer.position = overflow
+ uut.loadAbLimits(0)
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == default
+ mockPlayer.position = overflow
+ uut.addSong(song)
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == default
+ mockPlayer.position = overflow
+ uut.loadAbLimits(0)
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == default
+ mockPlayer.position = overflow
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == default
+ mockPlayer.position = overflow
+ uut.loadAbLimits(0)
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == default
+ mockPlayer.position = overflow
+ uut.storeAbLimits(abLimit[0], abLimit[1])
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == default
+ mockPlayer.position = overflow
+ uut.loadAbLimits(0)
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == abLimit[0]
+def test_nextAndPreviousAbLimit(uut, mockPlayer):
+ song = "test.flac"
+ abLimits = [
+ [0.2, 0.4],
+ [0.1, 0.3]
+ ]
+ uut.addSong(song)
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(True)
+ for ab in abLimits:
+ uut.storeAbLimits(ab[0], ab[1])
+ checkLimit(uut, mockPlayer, 0.0, 0.0) # default limits
+ uut.nextStoredAbLimits()
+ checkLimit(uut, mockPlayer, abLimits[0][0], abLimits[0][1])
+ uut.nextStoredAbLimits()
+ checkLimit(uut, mockPlayer, abLimits[1][0], abLimits[1][1])
+ uut.nextStoredAbLimits()
+ checkLimit(uut, mockPlayer, abLimits[1][0], abLimits[1][1])
+ uut.previousStoredAbLimits()
+ checkLimit(uut, mockPlayer, abLimits[0][0], abLimits[0][1])
+ uut.previousStoredAbLimits()
+ checkLimit(uut, mockPlayer, abLimits[0][0], abLimits[0][1])
+def test_abLimitsWhenChangingSongs(uut, mockPlayer):
+ songs = [
+ "test.flac",
+ "test.mp3"
+ ]
+ abLimits = [
+ [0.2, 0.4],
+ [0.1, 0.3],
+ [0.7, 0.8]
+ ]
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(True)
+ for s in songs:
+ uut.addSong(s)
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ for ab in abLimits:
+ uut.storeAbLimits(ab[0], ab[1])
+ uut.setSong(1)
+ uut.storeAbLimits(abLimits[0][0], abLimits[0][1])
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ uut.loadAbLimits(len(abLimits) - 1)
+ checkLimit(uut, mockPlayer, abLimits[-1][0], abLimits[-1][1])
+ uut.setSong(1)
+ checkLimit(uut, mockPlayer, abLimits[-1][0], abLimits[-1][1])
+ uut.previousStoredAbLimits()
+ checkLimit(uut, mockPlayer, abLimits[0][0], abLimits[0][1])
+def test_loadAndSaveSession(prepared_tmp_path):
+ mockPlayer = MockPlayer()
+ uut = SoloTool(mockPlayer)
+ loadedSessionFile = prepared_tmp_path / "test_session.json"
+ savedSessionFile = prepared_tmp_path / "test_session_save.json"
+ uut.loadSession(loadedSessionFile)
+ uut.saveSession(savedSessionFile)
+ import json
+ with open(loadedSessionFile, "r") as f:
+ loadedSession = json.loads(f.read())
+ with open(savedSessionFile, "r") as f:
+ savedSession = json.loads(f.read())
+ assert loadedSession == savedSession
+def test_addInexistentFile(uut, mockPlayer):
+ song = "not/a/real/file"
+ uut.addSong(song)
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ assert mockPlayer.currentSong == None
+def test_getters(uut, mockPlayer):
+ song = "test.flac"
+ abLimit = [0.2, 0.4]
+ uut.addSong(song)
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ uut.storeAbLimits(abLimit[0], abLimit[1])
+ assert uut.getSongs() == [song]
+ limits = uut.getStoredAbLimits()
+ assert len(limits) == 1
+ assert limits[0][0] == abLimit[0]
+ assert limits[0][1] == abLimit[1]
+ mockPlayer.position = 0.8
+ assert uut.getPlaybackPosition() == 0.8
+ mockPlayer.volume = 0.8
+ assert uut.getPlaybackVolume() == 0.8
+ mockPlayer.rate = 0.5
+ assert uut.getPlaybackRate() == 0.5
+def test_setTemporaryLimits(uut, mockPlayer):
+ song = "test.flac"
+ abLimits = [
+ [0.2, 0.4],
+ [0.1, 0.4]
+ ]
+ overflow = 0.5
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(True)
+ mockPlayer.position = overflow
+ uut.addSong(song)
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ uut.storeAbLimits(abLimits[0][0], abLimits[0][1])
+ uut.loadAbLimits(0)
+ uut.setAbLimits(abLimits[1][0], abLimits[1][1])
+ uut.tick()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == abLimits[1][0]
+def test_jumpToA(uut, mockPlayer):
+ abLimits = (0.2, 0.4)
+ initialPosition = 0.8
+ mockPlayer.position = initialPosition
+ uut.jumpToA()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == 0.0 # default AB controller A limit
+ uut.setAbLimits(abLimits[0], abLimits[1])
+ uut.jumpToA()
+ assert mockPlayer.position == abLimits[0]
+def test_playingStateNotification(uut, mockPlayer):
+ song = "test.flac"
+ uut.addSong(song)
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ called = False
+ receivedValue = None
+ def callback(value):
+ nonlocal called, receivedValue
+ called = True
+ receivedValue = value
+ uut.registerPlayingStateCallback(callback)
+ assert mockPlayer.state == MockPlayer.STOPPED
+ assert not called
+ uut.play()
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == True
+ called = False
+ uut.play()
+ assert not called
+ uut.pause()
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == False
+ called = False
+ uut.pause()
+ assert not called
+ uut.play()
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == True
+ called = False
+ uut.stop()
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == False
+ called = False
+ uut.stop()
+ assert not called
+def test_playbackVolumeNotification(uut, mockPlayer):
+ song = "test.flac"
+ uut.addSong(song)
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ called = False
+ receivedValue = None
+ def callback(value):
+ nonlocal called, receivedValue
+ called = True
+ receivedValue = value
+ uut.registerPlaybackVolumeCallback(callback)
+ assert not called
+ uut.setPlaybackVolume(0.3)
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == 0.3
+ called = False
+ uut.setPlaybackVolume(0.3)
+ assert not called
+def test_playbackRateNotification(uut, mockPlayer):
+ song = "test.flac"
+ uut.addSong(song)
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ called = False
+ receivedValue = None
+ def callback(value):
+ nonlocal called, receivedValue
+ called = True
+ receivedValue = value
+ uut.registerPlaybackRateCallback(callback)
+ assert not called
+ uut.setPlaybackRate(0.5)
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == 0.5
+ called = False
+ uut.setPlaybackRate(0.5)
+ assert not called
+def test_currentSongNotification(uut):
+ called = False
+ receivedValue = None
+ def callback(value):
+ nonlocal called, receivedValue
+ called = True
+ receivedValue = value
+ uut.registerCurrentSongCallback(callback)
+ assert not called
+ songs = [
+ "test.flac",
+ "test.mp3"
+ ]
+ uut.addSong(songs[0])
+ assert not called
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == 0
+ called = False
+ uut.addSong(songs[1])
+ assert not called
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ assert not called
+ uut.setSong(1)
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == 1
+ called = False
+ uut.previousSong()
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == 0
+ called = False
+ uut.previousSong()
+ assert not called
+ uut.nextSong()
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == 1
+ called = False
+ uut.nextSong()
+ assert not called
+def test_currentAbNotification(uut):
+ called = False
+ receivedValue = None
+ def callback(value):
+ nonlocal called, receivedValue
+ called = True
+ receivedValue = value
+ uut.registerCurrentAbLimitsCallback(callback)
+ assert not called
+ song = "test.flac"
+ uut.addSong(song)
+ uut.setSong(0)
+ abLimits = [
+ (0.2, 0.3),
+ (0.4, 0.5)
+ ]
+ uut.storeAbLimits(abLimits[0][0], abLimits[0][1])
+ assert not called
+ uut.storeAbLimits(abLimits[1][0], abLimits[1][1])
+ assert not called
+ uut.loadAbLimits(0)
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == 0
+ called = False
+ uut.loadAbLimits(0)
+ assert not called
+ uut.loadAbLimits(1)
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == 1
+ called = False
+ uut.previousStoredAbLimits()
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == 0
+ called = False
+ uut.previousStoredAbLimits()
+ assert not called
+ uut.nextStoredAbLimits()
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == 1
+ called = False
+ uut.nextStoredAbLimits()
+ assert not called
+def test_abLimitEnabledNotification(uut):
+ called = False
+ receivedValue = None
+ def callback(value):
+ nonlocal called, receivedValue
+ called = True
+ receivedValue = value
+ uut.registerAbLimitEnabledCallback(callback)
+ assert not called
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(False)
+ assert not called
+ assert receivedValue is None
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(True)
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == True
+ called = False
+ receivedValue = None
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(True)
+ assert not called
+ assert receivedValue is None
+ uut.setAbLimitEnable(False)
+ assert called
+ assert receivedValue == False