path: root/flashcards/saetze-allgemein.fcard
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diff --git a/flashcards/saetze-allgemein.fcard b/flashcards/saetze-allgemein.fcard
index 655fe04..d04fb2e 100644
--- a/flashcards/saetze-allgemein.fcard
+++ b/flashcards/saetze-allgemein.fcard
@@ -189,3 +189,155 @@ FRONT
Ich hoff es, ich muess daa go Schööf hüete
I hope I have to herd sheep
+Es gseht echli andersch uus
+It looks a little different
+Wo gönd ihr ane?
+Where are you (plural) going?
+Warte-mer uf Morn
+Let's wait for tomorrow
+De Judith ihri Schicht duuret no bis am elfi
+Judith's shift lasts until 11
+Was häsch am Wuchenänd gmacht?
+What did you do on the weekend?
+Am Wuchenänd han i Fernseh glueget
+On the weekend I watched TV
+Am Wuchenänd bin i go klättere
+On the weekend I went climbing
+De Peter hät verusse tschuttet
+Peter played football outside
+Mir händ öppis fein Znacht kochet
+We cooked something nice for dinner
+Bisch du scho mal uf s Matternhorn klätteret?
+Did you ever climb the Matterhorn?
+De Gian isch mit sim Auto id Ferie gfahre
+Gian went on vacation by car
+Geschter simmer 15 Kilometer dur de Wald jogged
+Yesterday we jogged 15 kilometers through the forest
+Mir sind vor em Lade gstande und händ uf d Lena gwartet
+We stood in front of the shop and waited for Lena
+Ich bi di ganz Nacht wach gläge
+I lay awake the whole night
+All Chind sind umegrännt, aber de Tim isch ganz still daa gsässe
+All the kids were running around, but Tim sat quietly here
+De Compi isch di ganz Nacht am Strom ghanget
+The computer was plugged into the power all night
+Min Vatter isch geschter im Wald go Holz hole
+My father went to get wood in the forest yesterday
+Mini Chind sind nie freiwillig go wandere
+My kids have never gone hiking willingly
+Bisch scho mal go chlättere?
+Did you ever go climbing?
+Ändlich isch au de Peter cho ässe (cho)
+Peter finally also came to eat
+Säit Grossmuetter das edo, will's scho ihri Muetter eso gsäit hät (hät gsäit)?
+Does grandmother say that because her mother used to say it?
+Wie isch s Wuchenänd gsii?
+How was the weekend?
+Häsch du es ruhigs Wuchenänd ghaa?
+Did you have a quiet weekend?
+Ich ha mich für ein Sprachkurs welle aamälde (aamälde welle)
+I wanted to register for a language course
+De Peter hät geschter go schwümme welle (welle go schwümme)
+Peter wanted to go swimming yesterday
+Ich ha sones Halsweh ghaa, dass ich nöd ha chönne rede (rede chönne)
+I had such a bad neck ache, that I could not speak
+Mir sind im Kino gsii und händ vorher no öppis gässe ghaa
+We were in the cinema and had eaten something before that
+Won ich Hei choo bin, isch er scho gange gsii
+When I got home, he had already left
+Bevor ich Hei choo bin, han ich gschaffet ghaa
+I had worked before I got home
+Es isch scho lang her gsii, sit ich s letscht Mal im Kino gsii bin
+It's been a long time since the last time I went to the cinema