path: root/src/jcgp/gui/constants
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authorEduardo Pedroni <e.pedroni91@gmail.com>2015-03-09 17:03:48 -0300
committerEduardo Pedroni <e.pedroni91@gmail.com>2015-03-09 17:03:48 -0300
commitd69fa8746728367646494fd8c2c18944f306c6a2 (patch)
treef063f9efc6c93a5520991f509f3a481543b73a91 /src/jcgp/gui/constants
parent9062115b7d15cb05552632dc5486a5cd15a45289 (diff)
Added existing source code
Diffstat (limited to 'src/jcgp/gui/constants')
2 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jcgp/gui/constants/Constants.java b/src/jcgp/gui/constants/Constants.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..509d982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jcgp/gui/constants/Constants.java
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package jcgp.gui.constants;
+import javafx.scene.paint.Paint;
+ * Holds the constants used in the GUI.
+ *
+ * @author Eduardo Pedroni
+ *
+ */
+public final class Constants {
+ /**
+ * Private constructor to prevent instantiation.
+ */
+ private Constants(){}
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Colour Strings
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+ * A {@code String} containing the colour used for representing neutrality.
+ */
+ public static final String NEUTRAL_COLOUR = "#FFFFFF";
+ /**
+ * A {@code String} containing the hexadecimal colour used for representing a hard highlight.
+ * A "hard" select, for instance, happens when an output path is locked on the chromosome pane.
+ */
+ public static final String HARD_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR = "#5496FF";
+ /**
+ * A {@code String} containing the hexadecimal colour used for a medium highlight.
+ * One example of such a selection is the colour applied to a node when it is hovered over.
+ */
+ public static final String MEDIUM_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR = "#75BAFF";
+ /**
+ * A {@code String} containing the hexadecimal colour used for a soft highlight.
+ * When hovering over a node, its connections are soft-selected.
+ */
+ public static final String SOFT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR = "#C7DFFF";
+ /**
+ * A {@code String} containing the hexadecimal colour used for representing a good selection.
+ * Ideally a shade of green, used for instance when a manual connection is valid.
+ */
+ public static final String GOOD_SELECTION_COLOUR = "#38C25B";
+ /**
+ * A {@code String} containing the hexadecimal colour used for representing a neutral selection.
+ * Ideally a shade of yellow, used for instance when a manual connection is already the current connection.
+ */
+ public static final String NEUTRAL_SELECTION_COLOUR = "#FFEF73";
+ /**
+ * A {@code String} containing the hexadecimal colour used for representing a bad selection.
+ * Ideally a shade of red, use for instance when a manual connection is not valid.
+ */
+ public static final String BAD_SELECTION_COLOUR = "#FF5C5C";
+ /**
+ * A {@code String} containing the hexadecimal colour used for the gene sockets.
+ */
+ public static final String SOCKET_COLOUR = "#FFFFFF";
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Colour Paints
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+ * A {@code Paint} containing the colour used for representing neutrality.
+ */
+ public static final Paint NEUTRAL_PAINT = Paint.valueOf(NEUTRAL_COLOUR);
+ /**
+ * A {@code Paint} containing the colour used for representing a hard highlight.
+ * A "hard" select, for instance, happens when an output path is locked on the chromosome pane.
+ */
+ public static final Paint HARD_HIGHLIGHT_PAINT = Paint.valueOf(HARD_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR);
+ /**
+ * A {@code Paint} containing the colour used for a medium highlight.
+ * One example of such a selection is the colour applied to a node when it is hovered over.
+ */
+ public static final Paint MEDIUM_HIGHLIGHT_PAINT = Paint.valueOf(MEDIUM_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR);
+ /**
+ * A {@code Paint} containing the colour used for a soft highlight.
+ * When hovering over a node, its connections are soft-selected.
+ */
+ public static final Paint SOFT_HIGHLIGHT_PAINT = Paint.valueOf(SOFT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR);
+ /**
+ * A {@code Paint} containing the colour used for representing a good selection.
+ * Ideally a shade of green, used for instance when a manual connection is valid.
+ */
+ public static final Paint GOOD_SELECTION_PAINT = Paint.valueOf(GOOD_SELECTION_COLOUR);
+ /**
+ * A {@code Paint} containing the colour used for representing a neutral selection.
+ * Ideally a shade of yellow, used for instance when a manual connection is already the current connection.
+ */
+ public static final Paint NEUTRAL_SELECTION_PAINT = Paint.valueOf(NEUTRAL_SELECTION_COLOUR);
+ /**
+ * A {@code Paint} containing the colour used for representing a bad selection.
+ * Ideally a shade of red, use for instance when a manual connection is not valid.
+ */
+ public static final Paint BAD_SELECTION_PAINT = Paint.valueOf(BAD_SELECTION_COLOUR);
+ /**
+ * A {@code Paint} containing the colour used for the gene sockets.
+ */
+ public static final Paint SOCKET_PAINT = Paint.valueOf(SOCKET_COLOUR);
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Sizes and distances
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+ * The width or height of the area that can be clicked on
+ * to drag-resize a pane.
+ */
+ public static final double RESIZE_MARGIN = 5.0;
+ /**
+ * The minimum width of the settings pane, to prevent it
+ * from being resized beyond visibility.
+ */
+ public static final double SETTINGS_MIN_WIDTH = 200;
+ /**
+ * The minimum width of the console pane, to prevent it
+ * from being resized beyond visibility.
+ */
+ public static final double CONSOLE_MIN_HEIGHT = 100;
+ /**
+ * Radius used for the representation of nodes in the grid.
+ */
+ public static final double NODE_RADIUS = 35;
+ /**
+ * Spacing between each node.
+ */
+ public static final double SPACING = 15;
+ /**
+ * The margin between the genes and the edge of the chromosome pane.
+ */
+ public static final double CHROMOSOME_PANE_MARGIN = 10;
+ /**
+ * The angle across which the node's sockets are evenly distributed.
+ */
+ public static final double THETA = Math.PI / 1.4;
+ /**
+ * The radius of the connection sockets, calculated as a function of NODE_RADIUS.
+ */
+ public static final double SOCKET_RADIUS = Math.sqrt(NODE_RADIUS) / 1.8;
+ /**
+ * Size of the text in each node.
+ */
+ public static final double NODE_TEXT = NODE_RADIUS / 2.5;
+ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * CSS Styles
+ * TODO extract to stylesheet?
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /**
+ * The basic style of text boxes used in parameters.
+ */
+ public static final String BASE_TEXT_STYLE = "-fx-border-color: #C9C9C9; -fx-border-radius: 2; -fx-padding: 0; ";
+ /**
+ * The basic style of check boxes used in parameters.
+ */
+ public static final String BASE_CHECKBOX_STYLE = "-fx-padding: 0; ";
+ /**
+ * The style applied to invalid parameters, using BAD_SELECTION_COLOUR.
+ */
+ public static final String INVALID_PARAMETER_STYLE = "-fx-background-color: " + BAD_SELECTION_COLOUR;
+ /**
+ * The style applied to neutral parameters, using NEUTRAL_SELECTION_COLOUR.
+ */
+ public static final String WARNING_PARAMETER_STYLE = "-fx-background-color: " + NEUTRAL_SELECTION_COLOUR;
+ /**
+ * The style applied to valid parameters, using NEUTRAL_COLOUR.
+ */
+ public static final String VALID_PARAMETER_STYLE = "-fx-background-color: " + NEUTRAL_COLOUR;
diff --git a/src/jcgp/gui/constants/Position.java b/src/jcgp/gui/constants/Position.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d4e02b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/jcgp/gui/constants/Position.java
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package jcgp.gui.constants;
+import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
+import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
+import jcgp.gui.GUI;
+import jcgp.gui.population.GUIGene;
+import jcgp.gui.population.GUIInput;
+import jcgp.gui.population.GUINode;
+import jcgp.gui.population.GUIOutput;
+ * Abstracts the task of positioning GUI components.
+ * <br>
+ * Do not instantiate this class; instead, use the {@code public static} methods provided.
+ *
+ * @author Eduardo Pedroni
+ *
+ */
+public final class Position {
+ /**
+ * Private constructor to prevent instantiation.
+ */
+ private Position() {}
+ /**
+ * Sets the X and Y layouts of the specified input to the appropriate values, according to its index.
+ *
+ * @param input the {@code GUIInput} instance to relocate.
+ */
+ public static void place(GUIInput input) {
+ // inputs are the first column, so we only worry about the margin and their index
+ input.relocate(Constants.CHROMOSOME_PANE_MARGIN,
+ input.getInput().getIndex() * (2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SPACING) + Constants.CHROMOSOME_PANE_MARGIN);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the X and Y layouts of the specified node to the appropriate values, according to its row and column values.
+ * This also connects the start of every line with its respective socket. Therefore, this method should be called at least
+ * once when the {@code GUINode} is instantiated.
+ *
+ * @param node the {@code GUINode} instance to relocate.
+ */
+ public static void place(GUINode node) {
+ // calculate x and y offsets, in relation to the layout origin
+ double xOffset = (node.getNode().getColumn() + 1) * (2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SPACING) + Constants.CHROMOSOME_PANE_MARGIN;
+ double yOffset = node.getNode().getRow() * (2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SPACING) + Constants.CHROMOSOME_PANE_MARGIN;
+ // move node
+ node.relocate(xOffset, yOffset);
+ // use the offset and the socket positions to connect the lines
+ for (int i = 0; i < GUI.resources.arity(); i++) {
+ node.getLines()[i].setStartX(node.getSocket(i).getCenterX() + xOffset + Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SOCKET_RADIUS);
+ node.getLines()[i].setStartY(node.getSocket(i).getCenterY() + yOffset + Constants.NODE_RADIUS);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the X and Y layouts of the specified output to the appropriate values, according to its index.
+ * This also connects the start of the output's single line to its single input socket.Therefore,
+ * this method should be called at least once when the {@code GUIOutput} is instantiated.
+ *
+ * @param output the {@code GUIOutput} instance to relocate.
+ */
+ public static void place(GUIOutput output) {
+ // the output's position is a function of the number of columns and its own index
+ output.relocate(((GUI.resources.columns() + 1) * (2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SPACING)) + Constants.CHROMOSOME_PANE_MARGIN,
+ output.getOutput().getIndex() * (2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SPACING) + Constants.CHROMOSOME_PANE_MARGIN);
+ output.getLines()[0].setStartX(output.getLayoutX() - Constants.NODE_RADIUS);
+ output.getLines()[0].setStartY(output.getLayoutY());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Connects the end of a specified line to the specified gene.
+ *
+ * @param line the line to connect.
+ * @param target the target gene to connect to.
+ */
+ public static void connect(Line line, GUIGene target) {
+ // set line ends based on the layout position of the target
+ line.setEndX(target.getLayoutX() + Constants.NODE_RADIUS);
+ line.setEndY(target.getLayoutY());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Relocates the given socket to the appropriate position given the
+ * socket's index.
+ *
+ * @param index the socket index.
+ * @param socket the {@code Circle} instance to relocate.
+ */
+ public static void placeSocket(int index, Circle socket) {
+ // calculate the angle with respect to the x-axis
+ double angle = (((index + 1) / ((double) (GUI.resources.arity() + 1))) * Constants.THETA) - (Constants.THETA / 2);
+ // convert to cartesian form
+ double xPos = -Math.cos(angle) * Constants.NODE_RADIUS;
+ double yPos = Math.sin(angle) * Constants.NODE_RADIUS;
+ // set centre
+ socket.setCenterX(xPos);
+ socket.setCenterY(yPos);
+ }