FRONT schaffe gschaffet, gschafft BACK to work FRONT fahre gfahre BACK to ride, to drive FRONT fröge gfröget, gfrögt BACK to ask (a question) FRONT schnuufe BACK to breathe FRONT iischnuufe (trennbar) BACK to breathe in FRONT uusschnuufe (trennbar) BACK to breathe out FRONT lange BACK to be enough, to suffice FRONT fertig sii BACK to end FRONT folge BACK to obey FRONT grilliere grilliert BACK to grill FRONT lupfe BACK to lift up FRONT ghöre BACK to hear FRONT parkiere parkiert BACK to park FRONT luege glueget, gluegt BACK to look, to watch (TV) FRONT schriibe gschribe BACK to write FRONT bschiisse BACK to cheat (games) FRONT schicke BACK to send FRONT pressiere BACK to hurry FRONT günne, gwünne gunne, gwunne BACK to win FRONT rede gredt, gredet BACK to speak FRONT wohne gwohnt BACK to live FRONT zügle BACK to move (house) FRONT chaufe kauft BACK to buy FRONT probiere probiert BACK to try (to do smth) FRONT cheere BACK to turn FRONT lose, zuelose (trennbar) gloset, glost zuegloset, zueglost BACK to listen FRONT lache glachet, glacht BACK to smile, to laugh FRONT läse gläse BACK to read FRONT mache gmacht BACK to do, to make FRONT rächne grächnet BACK to calculate FRONT zguet haa BACK to be entitled to smth FRONT iipacke (trennbar) BACK to pack smth in smth FRONT iilade (trennbar) BACK to invite FRONT iinäh (trennbar) BACK to take smth (in), to ingest FRONT uufpasse (trennbar) BACK to watch out, to pay attention to smth FRONT uufschnuufe (trennbar) BACK to breathe (again, in relief) FRONT uufnäh (trennbar) BACK to record smth, to include FRONT uusgäh (trennbar) BACK to spend, to issue FRONT uusruebe (trennbar) TODO reflexiv? BACK to rest, to relax FRONT zuemache (trennbar) BACK to close smth, to shut smth down FRONT zueluege (trennbar) BACK to watch smth FRONT zuesäge (trennbar) BACK to promise, to accept FRONT aalegge (trennbar) BACK to put on (clothes) FRONT abligge (trennbar) aneligge (trennbar) BACK to lay down, to recline FRONT aahaa (trennbar) BACK to wear, to have something on FRONT verträge BACK to bear, to support, to suffer (pain, heat) FRONT verträge lifere BACK to deliver FRONT überchoo BACK to get, to receive FRONT druuschoo BACK to understand (logical) FRONT uusschlofe BACK to sleep in FRONT sich uf ... verlaa BACK to rely on ... FRONT uuslehne BACK to lend FRONT choste koschtet, koscht BACK to cost FRONT choche kochet BACK to cook FRONT chünde kündt BACK to quit, to give notice FRONT bliibe blibe BACK to stay FRONT bruuche brucht BACK to need FRONT dänke dänkt BACK to think FRONT danke danket, dankt BACK to thank FRONT drucke druckt BACK to press FRONT träume träumt BACK to dream FRONT tränne trännt BACK to separate FRONT poschte poschtet BACK to shop FRONT plane planet, plant BACK to plan FRONT zeige zeiget, zeigt BACK to show FRONT zögere zögeret BACK to delay FRONT zwiifle zwiiflet BACK to doubt FRONT aafange aagfange BACK to begin FRONT aaluege aaglueget BACK to look at smth FRONT vorstelle vorgstellt BACK to introduce to present to imagine FRONT vergliiche vergliche BACK to compare FRONT vergässe vergässe BACK to forget FRONT verzelle BACK verzellt FRONT verwache verwachet, verwacht BACK to wake, to awaken, to arise FRONT intressiere intressiert BACK to be interested FRONT reserviere reserviert BACK to reserve FRONT bringe bracht BACK to bring FRONT flüüge gfloge BACK to fly FRONT sitze gsässe BACK to sit FRONT trinke trunke BACK to drink FRONT tue taa BACK to do FRONT werde worde BACK to become FRONT zieh zoge BACK to pull, to draw, to tow FRONT laufe gloffe BACK to run FRONT bitte bätte BACK to ask (for a favour) FRONT schimpfe gschumpfe BACK to rant, to grumble FRONT schiine gschunne BACK to shine, to appear, to seem FRONT stimme gstumme BACK to vote, to be right