FRONT TODO BACK I feel bad about ... FRONT Cha sii BACK It's possible Can be Could be FRONT TODO BACK Makes sense FRONT de Chopf scho bi de Sach haa BACK to concentrate FRONT dur d Latte gaa BACK to forget FRONT chönnted Sie bitte... BACK could you please... FRONT würded Sie bitte... BACK could you please... FRONT öppis z wäffele haa BACK to bitch about something FRONT Ich ha entschide, dass ... BACK I decided that ... FRONT Ich ha dich welle fröge, ob ... BACK I wanted to ask you whether ... FRONT Bisch scho ... Hesch scho ... BACK Have you ... before? FRONT Wohere/woane/wohii gasch? Ich gah go jogge BACK Where are you going? I'm going jogging FRONT Wohere/woane/wohii gönd'r? Mir gönd is Kino BACK Where are you going? We're going to the cinema FRONT Ich gah veruse go spille BACK I go outside to play FRONT Ich spille verusse BACK I am playing outside FRONT Das isch de gliich Hund, wo mich geschter bisse hät BACK That is the same dog that bit me yesterday FRONT Ich nimme no es Glas Wii BACK I'll take another glass of wine FRONT Was issisch amigs zum Zmorge? BACK What do you usually eat for breakfast? FRONT De Leo list en Roman BACK Leo is reading a novel FRONT Hütt git's 15% Rabatt BACK Today there is a 15% discount FRONT Chasch mir zeige, wie me das macht? BACK Can you show me how to do it? FRONT Chönntsch mer en Gfalle mache? BACK Could you do me a favour? FRONT Ich cha nüt drfür BACK I cannot do anything about that FRONT Was häsch am Wuchenänd gmacht? BACK What did you do on the weekend? FRONT Ich ha Fernseh glueget BACK I watched TV FRONT Und ich bi go chlättere BACK And I went climbing FRONT De Peter hät verusse tschuttet BACK Peter played football outside FRONT Mir händ öppis feins Znacht kochet BACK We cooked something nice for dinner FRONT Bisch du scho mal uf s Matternhorn klätteret? BACK Have you ever climbed the Matternhorn? FRONT De Gian isch mit sim Auto id Ferie gfahre BACK Gian went on vacation with his car FRONT Geschter simmer 15 Kilometer dur de Wald jogged BACK Yesterday we ran 15 kilometers through the forest FRONT süscht no öppis? BACK anything else? FRONT D Status S, würd i emol säge, isch e gueti Sach, als d Lüüt chönd go schaffe go BACK The status S, I would say, is a good thing, because the people can work FRONT Solang ich daa bi BACK As long as I am here FRONT Warum hani müesse Taylor Swift lose drüü Stunde? BACK Why did I have to listen to Taylor Swift for 3 hours? FRONT Chasch ja luege, öb es gaht BACK Can you check if it fits? FRONT Ich hoff es, ich muess daa go Schööf hüete BACK I hope I have to herd sheep FRONT Es gseht echli andersch uus BACK It looks a little different FRONT Wo gönd ihr ane? BACK Where are you (plural) going? FRONT Warte-mer uf Morn BACK Let's wait for tomorrow FRONT De Judith ihri Schicht duuret no bis am elfi BACK Judith's shift lasts until 11 FRONT Was häsch am Wuchenänd gmacht? BACK What did you do on the weekend? FRONT Am Wuchenänd han i Fernseh glueget BACK On the weekend I watched TV FRONT Am Wuchenänd bin i go klättere BACK On the weekend I went climbing FRONT De Peter hät verusse tschuttet BACK Peter played football outside FRONT Mir händ öppis fein Znacht kochet BACK We cooked something nice for dinner FRONT Bisch du scho mal uf s Matternhorn klätteret? BACK Did you ever climb the Matterhorn? FRONT De Gian isch mit sim Auto id Ferie gfahre BACK Gian went on vacation by car FRONT Geschter simmer 15 Kilometer dur de Wald jogged BACK Yesterday we jogged 15 kilometers through the forest FRONT Mir sind vor em Lade gstande und händ uf d Lena gwartet BACK We stood in front of the shop and waited for Lena FRONT Ich bi di ganz Nacht wach gläge BACK I lay awake the whole night FRONT All Chind sind umegrännt, aber de Tim isch ganz still daa gsässe BACK All the kids were running around, but Tim sat quietly here FRONT De Compi isch di ganz Nacht am Strom ghanget BACK The computer was plugged into the power all night FRONT Min Vatter isch geschter im Wald go Holz hole BACK My father went to get wood in the forest yesterday FRONT Mini Chind sind nie freiwillig go wandere BACK My kids have never gone hiking willingly FRONT Bisch scho mal go chlättere? BACK Did you ever go climbing? FRONT Ändlich isch au de Peter cho ässe (cho) BACK Peter finally also came to eat FRONT Säit Grossmuetter das edo, will's scho ihri Muetter eso gsäit hät (hät gsäit)? BACK Does grandmother say that because her mother used to say it? FRONT Wie isch s Wuchenänd gsii? BACK How was the weekend? FRONT Häsch du es ruhigs Wuchenänd ghaa? BACK Did you have a quiet weekend? FRONT Ich ha mich für ein Sprachkurs welle aamälde (aamälde welle) BACK I wanted to register for a language course FRONT De Peter hät geschter go schwümme welle (welle go schwümme) BACK Peter wanted to go swimming yesterday FRONT Ich ha sones Halsweh ghaa, dass ich nöd ha chönne rede (rede chönne) BACK I had such a bad neck ache, that I could not speak FRONT Mir sind im Kino gsii und händ vorher no öppis gässe ghaa BACK We were in the cinema and had eaten something before that FRONT Won ich Hei choo bin, isch er scho gange gsii BACK When I got home, he had already left FRONT Bevor ich Hei choo bin, han ich gschaffet ghaa BACK I had worked before I got home FRONT Es isch scho lang her gsii, sit ich s letscht Mal im Kino gsii bin BACK It's been a long time since the last time I went to the cinema