""" Implements partial support for Joy-IT JDS6600 function generator. """ import serial from lab_control.function_generator import FunctionGenerator def _checkChannel(channel: int): assert channel in JDS6600.AVAILABLE_CHANNELS, f"JDS6600: Invalid channel {channel}" def _checkArg(arg: float, lowerBound: float, upperBound: float): valid = arg is not None if valid: valid &= arg >= lowerBound valid &= arg <= upperBound assert valid, f"JDS6600: Invalid argument {arg}" class JDS6600(FunctionGenerator): """ Instances of this class bind to the JDS6600 serial port and offer an API to control the device. """ AVAILABLE_CHANNELS = [1, 2] def __init__(self, portName): super().__init__() self._port = serial.Serial(portName) self._port.baudrate = 115200 self._port.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS self._port.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE self._port.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE def closePort(self) -> None: """ Close the serial port. Instances of this class are no longer usable after this is called. """ self._port.close() def _query(self, opcode: str) -> list[str]: # response format: ":{opcode}={v1},{v2}." response = self._sendRequest(opcode) return response[5:-1].split(",") def _sendRequest(self, opcode: str, args: str="") -> str: request = f":{opcode}={args}.\r\n" self._port.write(request.encode()) responseRaw = self._port.readline() return responseRaw.decode().strip() def setOn(self, channel: int) -> None: _checkChannel(channel) state = self._query("r20") state[channel - 1] = "1" self._sendRequest("w20", f"{state[0]},{state[1]}") def setOff(self, channel: int) -> None: _checkChannel(channel) state = self._query("r20") state[channel - 1] = "0" self._sendRequest("w20", f"{state[0]},{state[1]}") def setFrequency(self, channel: int, frequency: float) -> None: _checkChannel(channel) _checkArg(frequency, 0.0, 60e6) opcode = 23 + channel - 1 arg = int(frequency * 100.0) self._sendRequest(f"w{opcode}", f"{arg},0") # JDS6600 has been observed to sometimes incorrectly # ignore the frequency and set to 0 instead actual = self._query(f"r{opcode}")[0] if actual != arg: self._sendRequest(f"w{opcode}", f"{arg},0") def setAmplitude(self, channel: int, amplitude: float) -> None: _checkChannel(channel) _checkArg(amplitude, 0.0, 20.0) opcode = f"w{25 + channel - 1}" arg = int(amplitude * 1000.0) self._sendRequest(opcode, str(arg)) def setFunction(self, channel: int, function: int) -> None: _checkChannel(channel) _checkArg(function, 0, 16) opcode = f"w{21 + channel - 1}" self._sendRequest(opcode, str(function))