package jcgp.gui.settings.parameters; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import javafx.scene.control.Control; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.Tooltip; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import jcgp.backend.resources.parameters.BooleanParameter; import jcgp.backend.resources.parameters.DoubleParameter; import jcgp.backend.resources.parameters.IntegerParameter; import jcgp.backend.resources.parameters.Parameter; import jcgp.backend.resources.parameters.ParameterStatus; import jcgp.gui.GUI; import jcgp.gui.settings.SettingsPane; /** * * This is the base class for all GUIParameters. Using the factory method GUIParameter.create() * generates an appropriate instance of this class for the specified parameter. *

* GUIParameter is an HBox containing a Text for the parameter name and a Control for interaction. * It stores an instance of its associated Parameter object and also contains a Tooltip for * displaying status information. *

* Monitor parameters have their Control disabled so that no changed can be made via the GUI. * Non-monitor parameters are updated automatically as well, but may be changed by the user * if the program is not evolving. * * @see Parameter * @author Eduardo Pedroni * @param the parameter data type */ public abstract class GUIParameter extends HBox { public static final String BASE_TEXT_STYLE = "-fx-border-color: #C9C9C9; -fx-border-radius: 2; -fx-padding: 0; "; public static final String BASE_CHECKBOX_STYLE = "-fx-padding: 0; "; public static final String INVALID_PARAMETER_STYLE = "-fx-background-color: " + GUI.BAD_SELECTION_COLOUR; public static final String WARNING_PARAMETER_STYLE = "-fx-background-color: " + GUI.NEUTRAL_SELECTION_COLOUR; public static final String VALID_PARAMETER_STYLE = "-fx-background-color: " + GUI.NEUTRAL_COLOUR; private Label name; private Control valueControl; protected SettingsPane settingsPane; protected Tooltip tooltip; protected Parameter parameter; /** This is the lock used to prevent more than one update task to be scheduled * at the same time on the same GUIParameter. */ private AtomicBoolean updateLock = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * This value is used to assert whether the control has changed values since * the program last ran. Therefore, it is updated whenever a generation occurs * or the experiment is reset. */ private T referenceValue; /** * This protected constructor contains the common elements to all GUIParameters * and should be invoked by any subclasses using super(). * * @param parameter a Parameter for which to generate a GUIParameter * @param sp a reference to the SettingsPane */ protected GUIParameter(Parameter parameter, final SettingsPane settingsPane) { this.parameter = parameter; this.referenceValue = parameter.get(); this.settingsPane = settingsPane; setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_LEFT); setSpacing(5); name = new Label(parameter.getName()); // set text width to half of the total width of the GUIParameter name.prefWidthProperty().bind(widthProperty().divide(2)); // the tooltip is the hover-over label containing status information, when appropriate tooltip = new Tooltip(); tooltip.setSkin(null); valueControl = makeControl(); // if the parameter is a monitor, it should be permanently disabled valueControl.setDisable(parameter.isMonitor()); // bind to parameter value property in a thread-safe way makeThreadSafeBinding(); // if parameter is not a monitor, make sure the control is constrained appropriately if (!parameter.isMonitor()) { setControlListeners(); } getChildren().addAll(name, valueControl); } /** * Factory method to create GUIParameters from Parameters. * Use this to create an appropriate GUIParameter from any instance of Parameter, * rather than manually downcasting the Parameter object every time. * * @param parameter a Parameter for which to generate a GUIParameter * @param sp a reference to the SettingsPane * @return an appropriate instance of GUIParameter */ public static GUIParameter create(Parameter parameter, SettingsPane sp) { if (parameter instanceof IntegerParameter) { return new GUIIntegerParameter((IntegerParameter) parameter, sp); } else if (parameter instanceof DoubleParameter) { return new GUIDoubleParameter((DoubleParameter) parameter, sp); } else if (parameter instanceof BooleanParameter) { return new GUIBooleanParameter((BooleanParameter) parameter, sp); } else { throw new ClassCastException("No GUIParameter subclass exists for argument of type " + parameter.getClass()); } } /** * Parameters are intended to communicate information from the experiment * to the GUI. Since the experiment runs on a separate threads and it is illegal * to modify JavaFX objects from outside the JavaFX Application thread, this * special ChangeListener updates the GUIParameter in a safe way. *

* Note that this is applied to all parameters regardless of whether they are * monitors or not; the only difference between monitor and non-monitor parameters * is that monitor parameters cannot be modified from the GUI. */ private void makeThreadSafeBinding() { parameter.valueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed( ObservableValue observable, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { // only do this if the experiment is running if (settingsPane.isExperimentRunning() || !isFocused()) { /* here's the catch - atomically get the lock state and set it to true * the lock will only be false again when the runnable is finished executing, * preventing multiple runnables to concurrently update the same GUIParameter */ if (!updateLock.getAndSet(true)) { Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { refreshValue(); updateLock.set(false); } }); } } } }); } /** * @return true if the current value of the parameter does not prevent the * experiment from running. */ public boolean isValid() { return parameter.getStatus() != ParameterStatus.INVALID; } /** * Force the parameter to validate its current value, and apply the associated * style to the GUIParameter. */ public void validate() { parameter.validate(parameter.get()); setValidityStyle(); } /** * Certain parameter changes might require the experiment to be reset, either * because the parameter is critical or because its status requires a reset. * * @return true if an experiment reset is required due to this parameter changing. */ public boolean requiresReset() { return (parameter.isCritical() && !parameter.get().equals(referenceValue)) || parameter.getStatus() == ParameterStatus.WARNING_RESET; } /** * Set the current parameter value as the reference value of the GUIParameter. * The new reference value will be used to determine the validity of the parameter, * should its value change. */ public void applyValue() { referenceValue = parameter.get(); } /* * The following prototypes are instance-dependent and are called from * GUIParameter() as necessary. */ /** * This method returns the Control object used to control the parameter. *

* Implementations of GUIParameter must override this method and return * a control appropriate to the type of parameter. This will typically be * done by referencing the protected field GUIParameter.parameter. * * @return the Control object to be added to the GUIParameter. */ protected abstract Control makeControl(); /** * Adds the necessary handlers to the Control object in order to modify * the underlying parameter. This will typically consist of filtering key * presses to ensure no invalid characters are inserted, applying the new * value to the underlying parameter and revalidating the parameters to * reflect the changes made. *

* Note that changelisteners registered to the main content property of the * control should always call handleChange() to update the */ protected abstract void setControlListeners(); /** * This method is called to style the GUIParameter according to the status of * the parameter, which can be obtained with parameter.getStatus(). While the * subclass is free to style itself in any way, the CSS strings defined here * (INVALID_PARAMETER_STYLE, WARNING_PARAMETER_STYLE, VALID_PARAMETER_STYLE) * provide a way to keep the GUI consistent. * * TODO update this if the strings are externalised * * @see ParameterStatus */ protected abstract void setValidityStyle(); /** * Update the control so it shows the correct value of the parameter. This method * is used exclusively by the thread-safe binding created if the module is a monitor. */ protected abstract void refreshValue(); }