package; import jcgp.backend.modules.mutator.Mutator; import jcgp.backend.parameters.BooleanParameter; import jcgp.backend.parameters.IntegerParameter; import jcgp.backend.parameters.ParameterStatus; import jcgp.backend.population.Population; import jcgp.backend.resources.Resources; /** * (μ + λ)-ES *

* This strategy selects the μ fittest chromosomes from the population. * The promoted individuals are copied into the new population and mutated * λ times, but also carried forward unchanged. The total population size * is μ + λ. *

* Two integer parameters are used to control this strategy: parents * and offspring. They are constrained in that they must always add up to * the population size, and must never be smaller than 1. *
* One additional parameter, report, controls whether a detailed log of the * algorithm's operation is to be printed or not. Reports respect the report * interval base parameter. * * @see EvolutionaryStrategy * @author Eduardo Pedroni * */ public class MuPlusLambda extends EvolutionaryStrategy { private IntegerParameter mu, lambda; private BooleanParameter report; /** * Creates a new instance of MuPlusLambda. * * @param resources a reference to the experiment's resources. */ public MuPlusLambda(final Resources resources) { super(resources); mu = new IntegerParameter(1, "Parents (\u03BC)") { @Override public void validate(Number newValue) { if (newValue.intValue() + lambda.get() != getResources().populationSize()) { status = ParameterStatus.INVALID; status.setDetails("Parents + offspring must equal population size."); } else if (newValue.intValue() <= 0) { status = ParameterStatus.INVALID; status.setDetails("ES needs at least 1 parent."); } else { status = ParameterStatus.VALID; } } }; lambda = new IntegerParameter(4, "Offspring (\u03BB)") { @Override public void validate(Number newValue) { if (newValue.intValue() + mu.get() != getResources().populationSize()) { status = ParameterStatus.INVALID; status.setDetails("Parents + offspring must equal population size."); } else if (newValue.intValue() <= 0) { status = ParameterStatus.INVALID; status.setDetails("ES needs at least 1 offspring."); } else { status = ParameterStatus.VALID; } } }; report = new BooleanParameter(false, "Report"); setName("(\u03BC + \u03BB)"); registerParameters(mu, lambda, report); } @Override public void evolve(Population population, Mutator mutator) { // sort the population neutrally sort(population); // population is now sorted such that the new parents are in the last mu positions for (int i = 0; i < getResources().populationSize() - mu.get(); i++) { // select a random parent out of the mu population parents int randomParent = getResources().populationSize() - 1 - getResources().getRandomInt(mu.get()); if (report.get()) getResources().reportln("[ES] Copying Chr " + randomParent + " to population position " + i); // copy it into the offspring position population.copyChromosome(randomParent, i); // mutate the new offspring chromosome if (report.get()) getResources().reportln("[ES] Mutating copied chromosome"); mutator.mutate(population.get(i)); } if (report.get()) getResources().reportln("[ES] Generation is complete"); } /** * Neutrally sorts the specified population. *

* Optimised sorting methods tend to be stable, meaning * the order of elements which are already ordered is not * changed. While performing faster, such sorting algorithms * do not promote neutral drift, an important aspect of CGP. *

* This sort iterates through the population offspring (first lambda * elements) and compares each with each of the parents (last mu * elements), overwriting the parent if the offspring's fitness * is greater than or equal to the parent's. * It is biased towards offspring: parents are replaced with * equally fit offspring as often as possible. * * @param population the population to sort. */ private void sort(Population population) { /* Create an array with the index of each of the current parents. * This is done to speed up the sort. No deep chromosome copies are * made until the sort is finished; instead, only indices are copied. */ int[] parents = new int[mu.get()]; for (int i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { parents[i] = lambda.get() + i; } // cycle through the offspring, i.e. the first lambda elements of the population for (int o = 0; o < getResources().populationSize() - mu.get(); o++) { // compare each offspring with each parent, as stored in parents for (int p = 0; p < parents.length; p++) { /* replace parent if the offspring fitness and greater than or equal to its own * if it is equal to, only replace if it is an old parent, if it is greater than, * replace regardless */ if ((population.get(o).getFitness() == population.get(parents[p]).getFitness() && parents[p] >= lambda.get()) || population.get(o).getFitness() >= population.get(parents[p]).getFitness()) { parents[p] = o; // offspring has been selected, check the next one break; } } } /* selection is complete, parents now contains the indices of each selected offspring * time to perform the deep copies */ for (int c = 0; c < parents.length; c++) { // copy each selected index in parent to each parent position in the population population.copyChromosome(parents[c], lambda.get() + c); } } }