package jcgp;
import jcgp.backend.modules.mutator.FixedPointMutator;
import jcgp.backend.modules.mutator.Mutator;
import jcgp.backend.modules.mutator.PercentPointMutator;
import jcgp.backend.modules.mutator.ProbabilisticMutator;
import jcgp.backend.modules.problem.DigitalCircuitProblem;
import jcgp.backend.modules.problem.Problem;
import jcgp.backend.modules.problem.SymbolicRegressionProblem;
import jcgp.backend.modules.problem.TestCaseProblem;
import jcgp.backend.parsers.ChromosomeParser;
import jcgp.backend.parsers.FunctionParser;
import jcgp.backend.parsers.ParameterParser;
import jcgp.backend.parsers.TestCaseParser;
import jcgp.backend.population.Population;
import jcgp.backend.resources.Console;
import jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources;
import jcgp.backend.resources.Resources;
import jcgp.backend.statistics.StatisticsLogger;
* Top-level JCGP class. This class is the entry point for a CGP experiment.
* An instance of JCGP encapsulates the entire experiment. It contains a {@code Resources}
* object which can be retrieved via a getter. Modules can be selected using their
* respective setters.
* The flow of the experiment is controlled using {@code start()}, {@code nextGeneration()}
* and {@code reset()}. Files can be loaded with their respective load methods and
* chromosome configurations can be saved with {@code saveChromosome()}.
* JCGP supports an extra console in addition to {@code System.console()}, so that messages
* can also be printed to a GUI, for example. This extra console can be set with {@code setConsole()},
* and must implement jcgp.resources.Console.
* @author Eduardo Pedroni
public class JCGP {
private final ModifiableResources resources = new ModifiableResources();
* The following arrays contain all available modules. These collections are read by the GUI
* when generating menus and are populated automatically using reflection.
* Each array is accompanied by a field which contains a reference to the currently selected
* module, 0 by default.
// mutators
private Mutator[] mutators = new Mutator[] {
new PercentPointMutator(resources),
new FixedPointMutator(resources),
new ProbabilisticMutator(resources)
private Mutator mutator;
// evolutionary algorithms
private EvolutionaryStrategy[] evolutionaryStrategies = new EvolutionaryStrategy[] {
new MuPlusLambda(resources),
new TournamentSelection(resources)
private EvolutionaryStrategy evolutionaryStrategy;
// problem types
private Problem[] problems = new Problem[] {
new DigitalCircuitProblem(resources),
new SymbolicRegressionProblem(resources)
private Problem problem;
private Population population;
private StatisticsLogger statistics = new StatisticsLogger();
// these record the best results found in the run, in case the runs ends before a perfect solution is found
private int lastImprovementGeneration = 0, activeNodes = 0;
private double bestFitnessFound = 0;
private boolean finished = false;
* JCGP main method, this is used to execute JCGP from the command line.
* In this case the program works in the same way as the classic CGP implementation,
* requiring a .par file and an optional problem data file. As in the traditional CGP
* implementation, the program must be compiled with the right problem type selected.
* @param args one or more files needed to perform the experiment.
public static void main(String... args) {
// check that files have been provided
if (args.length < 1) {
System.err.println("JCGP requires at least a .par file.");
// prepare experiment
JCGP jcgp = new JCGP();
jcgp.loadParameters(new File(args[0]));
if (jcgp.getProblem() instanceof TestCaseProblem) {
TestCaseParser.parse(new File(args[2]), (TestCaseProblem>) jcgp.getProblem(), jcgp.getResources());
// kick it off
* Creates a new instance of JCGP.
public JCGP() {
// initialise modules
// create a new population
population = new Population(resources);
* Returns a reference to the {@code ModifiableResources} used by the
* experiment.
* Use this with care, since changing experiment parameters may
* have unintended effects if not done properly.
* @return a reference to the experiment's resources.
public ModifiableResources getResources() {
return resources;
* @return a reference to the experiment's population.
public Population getPopulation() {
return population;
* @return a complete list of the experiment's mutators.
public Mutator[] getMutators() {
return mutators;
* @return the currently selected mutator.
public Mutator getMutator() {
return mutator;
* @return a complete list of the experiment's evolutionary strategies.
public EvolutionaryStrategy[] getEvolutionaryStrategies() {
return evolutionaryStrategies;
* @return the currently selected evolutionary strategy.
public EvolutionaryStrategy getEvolutionaryStrategy() {
return evolutionaryStrategy;
* @return a complete list of the experiment's problem types.
public Problem[] getProblems() {
return problems;
* @return the currently selected problem type.
public Problem getProblem() {
return problem;
* @param index the index of the desired mutator.
public void setMutator(int index) {
this.mutator = mutators[index];
resources.println("[CGP] Mutator selected: " + mutator.toString());
* @param index the index of the desired evolutionary strategy.
public void setEvolutionaryStrategy(int index) {
this.evolutionaryStrategy = evolutionaryStrategies[index];
resources.println("[CGP] Evolutionary strategy selected: " + evolutionaryStrategy.toString());
* @param index the index of the desired problem type.
public void setProblem(int index) {
this.problem = problems[index];
* Performs one full generational cycle. More specifically,
* this method evaluates the current population using the
* selected problem, and checks whether a solution has been found.
* If the experiment is to continue, a new generation is created
* using the selected evolutionary strategy and mutator.
* This method also deals with ending runs, in other words,
* a new population is created at the end of each run automatically.
* When all runs have been performed, this method sets the experiment
* finished flag and does nothing until {@code reset()} is called.
public void nextGeneration() {
if (!finished) {
problem.evaluate(population, (Resources) resources);
if (resources.currentGeneration() < resources.generations()) {
// we still have generations left to go
int perfect = problem.hasPerfectSolution(population);
if (perfect >= 0) {
// log results
statistics.logRun(resources.currentGeneration(), population.get(perfect).getFitness(), population.get(perfect).getActiveNodes().size(), true);
// solution has been found, start next run
resources.println("[CGP] Solution found: generation " + resources.currentGeneration() + ", chromosome " + perfect + "\n");
resources.println("[CGP] Printing chromosome...");
ChromosomeParser.print(population.get(perfect), resources);
resources.println("[CGP] Printing done. ");
if (resources.currentRun() < resources.runs()) {
// there are still runs left
// start a new population
} else {
// no more generations and no more runs, we're done
finished = true;
} else {
// solution not found, look for improvement
int improvement = problem.hasImprovement(population);
if (improvement >= 0) {
// there has been improvement, print it
lastImprovementGeneration = resources.currentGeneration();
bestFitnessFound = population.get(improvement).getFitness();
activeNodes = population.get(improvement).getActiveNodes().size();
} else {
// there has been no improvement, report generation
// we still have generations left, evolve more!
evolutionaryStrategy.evolve(population, mutator);
} else {
// the run has ended, tell the user and log it
resources.println("[CGP] Solution not found, best fitness achieved was "
+ bestFitnessFound + "\n");
statistics.logRun(lastImprovementGeneration, bestFitnessFound, activeNodes, false);
// check if any more runs must be done
if (resources.currentRun() < resources.runs()) {
// the run has ended but there are still runs left
// start a new population
} else {
// no more generations and no more runs, we're done
finished = true;
* Used internally for printing statistics at the end of the experiment.
* This method currently prints the exact same statistics as the ones
* provided by the classic CGP implementation.
private void printStatistics() {
resources.println("[CGP] Experiment finished");
resources.println("[CGP] Average fitness: " + statistics.getAverageFitness());
resources.println("[CGP] Std dev fitness: " + statistics.getAverageFitnessStdDev());
resources.println("[CGP] Average number of active nodes: " + statistics.getAverageActiveNodes());
resources.println("[CGP] Std dev number of active nodes: " + statistics.getAverageActiveNodesStdDev());
resources.println("[CGP] Average best generation: " + statistics.getAverageGenerations());
resources.println("[CGP] Std dev best generation: " + statistics.getAverageGenerationsStdDev());
resources.println("[CGP] Highest fitness of all runs: " + statistics.getHighestFitness());
resources.println("[CGP] Lowest fitness of all runs: " + statistics.getLowestFitness());
resources.println("[CGP] Perfect solutions: " + statistics.getSuccessfulRuns());
resources.println("[CGP] Success rate: " + (statistics.getSuccessRate() * 100) + "%");
resources.println("[CGP] Average generations for perfect solutions only: " + statistics.getAverageSuccessfulGenerations());
resources.println("[CGP] Std dev generations for perfect solutions only: " + statistics.getAverageSuccessfulGenerationsStdDev());
* Used internally for reporting improvement, which happens independently of
* the report interval parameter.
private void printImprovement(int chromosome) {
resources.println("[CGP] Generation: " + resources.currentGeneration() + ", fittest chromosome ("
+ chromosome + ") has fitness: " + population.get(chromosome).getFitness());
* Used internally for reporting generation information, which is affected
* by the report interval parameter.
private void reportGeneration() {
resources.reportln("[CGP] Generation: " + resources.currentGeneration() + ", best fitness: "
+ problem.getBestFitness());
* This method calls {@code nextGeneration()} in a loop
* until the experiment is flagged as finished. This is
* performed on the same thread of execution, so this
* method will most likely block for a significant amount
* of time (problem-dependent, but anywhere from seconds to days).
* Once the experiment is finished, calling this method does
* nothing until {@code reset()} is called.
public void start() {
if (!finished) {
while (!finished) {
* Resets the experiment.
* More specifically: this creates a new population, resets
* the current generation and run parameters to 1 and prints
* a complete list of the experiment's parameters.
public void reset() {
statistics = new StatisticsLogger();
if (resources.arity() < 1) {
resources.println("[CGP] Error: arity is smaller than 1. Check that at least one function is enabled");
finished = false;
population = new Population(resources);
resources.println("[CGP] New experiment: " + problem.toString());
resources.println("[CGP] Rows: " + resources.rows());
resources.println("[CGP] Columns: " + resources.columns());
resources.println("[CGP] Levels back: " + resources.levelsBack());
resources.println("[CGP] Population size: " + resources.populationSize());
resources.println("[CGP] Total generations: " + resources.generations());
resources.println("[CGP] Total runs: " + resources.runs());
resources.println("[CGP] Report interval: " + resources.reportInterval());
resources.println("[CGP] Seed: " + resources.seed());
resources.println("[CGP] Evolutionary strategy: " + evolutionaryStrategy.toString());
resources.println("[CGP] Mutator: " + mutator.toString());
* Internally used to reset the fields used
* for logging results statistics.
private void resetStatisticsValues() {
lastImprovementGeneration = 0;
bestFitnessFound = 0;
activeNodes = 0;
* When given a .par file, this method loads the parameters into the
* experiment's resources. This causes an experiment-wide reset.
* @param file the file to parse.
public void loadParameters(File file) {
ParameterParser.parse(file, resources);
FunctionParser.parse(file, problem.getFunctionSet(), resources);
* Parses a problem data file. This is problem-dependent, not
* all problems require a data file.
* @param file the file to parse.
public void loadProblemData(File file) {
problem.parseProblemData(file, resources);
* Loads a chromosome from the given file into
* the specified population index.
* @param file the chromosome to parse.
* @param chromosomeIndex the population index into which to parse.
public void loadChromosome(File file, int chromosomeIndex) {
ChromosomeParser.parse(file, population.get(chromosomeIndex), resources);
* Saves a copy of the specified chromosome
* into the given file.
* @param file the target file.
* @param chromosomeIndex the index of the chromosome to save.
public void saveChromosome(File file, int chromosomeIndex) {, population.get(chromosomeIndex), resources);
* Returns the experiment's status. When finished, the only
* way to continue is by calling {@code reset()}.
* @return true if the experiment is finished.
public boolean isFinished() {
return finished;
* Sets an extra console. The entire JCGP library prints
* messages to {@code System.console()} but also to an
* additional console, if one is defined. This is used so
* that messages are printed on a user interface as well,
* or written directly to a file, for example.
* @param console the extra console to be used.
public void setConsole(Console console) {