package jcgp; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import; import jcgp.function.Arithmetic; import jcgp.function.BitwiseLogic; import jcgp.function.BooleanLogic; import jcgp.function.Function; import jcgp.function.FunctionSet; import jcgp.modules.ea.EvolutionaryAlgorithm; import jcgp.modules.ea.MuPlusLambda; import jcgp.modules.ea.TournamentSelection; import; import; import; import jcgp.modules.mutator.Mutator; import jcgp.modules.mutator.PointMutator; import jcgp.parameters.BooleanParameter; import jcgp.parameters.DoubleParameter; import jcgp.parameters.IntegerParameter; import jcgp.parameters.Parameter; import jcgp.population.Population; /** * @author Eduardo Pedroni * */ public class JCGP { /** * * * @author Eduardo Pedroni * */ public static class Resources { private HashMap parameters = new HashMap(); private Random numberGenerator; private TestCase[] testCases; // function sets private FunctionSet[] functionSets = new FunctionSet[] { new Arithmetic(), new BitwiseLogic(), new BooleanLogic() }; private FunctionSet functionSet = functionSets[0]; public Resources() { createCoreParameters(); numberGenerator = new Random(getInt("seed")); set("arity", functionSet.getMaxArity()); } public int getInt(String key) { if (parameters.get(key) instanceof IntegerParameter) { return ((IntegerParameter) parameters.get(key)).get(); } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof DoubleParameter) { return (int) ((DoubleParameter) parameters.get(key)).get(); } else { throw new ClassCastException("Could not cast " + parameters.get(key).getClass() + " to int."); } } public double getDouble(String key) { if (parameters.get(key) instanceof IntegerParameter) { return (double) ((IntegerParameter) parameters.get(key)).get(); } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof DoubleParameter) { return ((DoubleParameter) parameters.get(key)).get(); } else { throw new ClassCastException("Could not cast " + parameters.get(key).getClass() + " to double."); } } public boolean getBoolean(String key) { if (parameters.get(key) instanceof BooleanParameter) { return ((BooleanParameter) parameters.get(key)).get(); } else { throw new ClassCastException("Could not cast " + parameters.get(key).getClass() + " to int."); } } public void set(String key, Object value) { if (parameters.get(key) instanceof IntegerParameter) { ((IntegerParameter) parameters.get(key)).set(((Integer) value).intValue()); } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof DoubleParameter) { ((DoubleParameter) parameters.get(key)).set(((Double) value).doubleValue()); } else if (parameters.get(key) instanceof BooleanParameter) { ((BooleanParameter) parameters.get(key)).set(((Boolean) value).booleanValue()); } } public Parameter getParameter(String key) { return parameters.get(key); } public boolean contains(String key) { return parameters.containsKey(key); } private void createCoreParameters() { parameters.put("rows", new IntegerParameter(8, "Rows")); parameters.put("columns", new IntegerParameter(9, "Columns")); parameters.put("inputs", new IntegerParameter(3, "Inputs")); parameters.put("outputs", new IntegerParameter(3, "Outputs")); parameters.put("popSize", new IntegerParameter(5, "Population")); parameters.put("levelsBack", new IntegerParameter(2, "Levels back")); IntegerParameter nodes = new IntegerParameter(1, "Nodes", false, true); nodes.valueProperty().bind(((SimpleIntegerProperty) ((IntegerParameter) parameters.get("rows")).valueProperty()).multiply((SimpleIntegerProperty) ((IntegerParameter) parameters.get("columns")).valueProperty())); parameters.put("nodes", nodes); parameters.put("generations", new IntegerParameter(1000000, "Generations")); parameters.put("currentGen", new IntegerParameter(1, "Generation", false, false)); parameters.put("runs", new IntegerParameter(5, "Runs")); parameters.put("currentRun", new IntegerParameter(1, "Run", false, false)); parameters.put("arity", new IntegerParameter(0, "Max arity", true, true)); parameters.put("seed", new IntegerParameter(123, "Seed")); parameters.put("verbose", new BooleanParameter(false, "Verbose")); parameters.put("report", new IntegerParameter(1, "Report")); } /** * * * @return the iterator for the set of base parameters */ public Iterator> iterator() { return parameters.entrySet().iterator(); } /* * Utility functions */ public int getRandomInt(int limit) { return numberGenerator.nextInt(limit); } public double getRandomDouble(int limit) { return numberGenerator.nextDouble() * limit; } public double getRandomDouble() { return numberGenerator.nextDouble(); } /* * FunctionSet functions */ public Function getRandomFunction() { return functionSet.getAllowedFunction(numberGenerator.nextInt(functionSet.getAllowedFunctionCount())); } public Function getFunction(int index) { return functionSet.getAllowedFunction(index); } public void setFunctionSet(int index) { functionSet = functionSets[index]; } /** * @return the functionSets */ public FunctionSet[] getFunctionSets() { return functionSets; } /** * @return the functionSet */ public FunctionSet getFunctionSet() { return functionSet; } /* * Test cases */ public void setTestCases(TestCase ... testCases) { this.testCases = testCases; } public TestCase getTestCase(int index) { return testCases[index]; } public int getTestCaseCount() { return testCases.length; } } private Resources resources = new Resources(); /* * The following arrays contain all available modules. These collections are read by the GUI * when generating menus, so modules not added here will *NOT* be selectable in the GUI. * * Each array is accompanied by a field which contains a reference to the currently selected * module, 0 by default. */ // mutators private Mutator[] mutators = new Mutator[] { new PointMutator() }; private Mutator mutator; // evolutionary algorithms private EvolutionaryAlgorithm[] evolutionaryAlgorithms = new EvolutionaryAlgorithm[] { new MuPlusLambda(), new TournamentSelection()}; private EvolutionaryAlgorithm evolutionaryAlgorithm; // fitness evaluators private FitnessFunction[] fitnessFunctions = new FitnessFunction[] { new TestCaseEvaluator() }; private FitnessFunction fitnessFunction; /* * the population of chromosomes */ private Population population; public JCGP() { population = new Population(resources); evolutionaryAlgorithm = evolutionaryAlgorithms[0]; mutator = mutators[0]; fitnessFunction = fitnessFunctions[0]; resources.setTestCases(new TestCase(new Integer[]{1, 2, 3}, new Integer[]{4, 5, 6}), new TestCase(new Integer[]{1, 12, 4}, new Integer[]{6, 21, 2})); // for (int i = 0; i < (int) resources.get("generations"); i++) { // // resources.set("currentGen", ((int) resources.get("currentGen")) + 1); // // fitnessFunction.evaluate(population, resources); // evolutionaryAlgorithm.evolve(population, mutator, resources); // // System.out.println("fitness: " + evolutionaryAlgorithm.getFittestChromosome().getFitness()); // // if (evolutionaryAlgorithm.getFittestChromosome().getFitness() >= 6) { // System.out.println("solution found"); // evolutionaryAlgorithm.getFittestChromosome().printNodes(); // break; // } // } } public Resources getResources() { return resources; } public Population getPopulation() { return population; } /** * @return the mutators */ public Mutator[] getMutators() { return mutators; } /** * @return the mutator */ public Mutator getMutator() { return mutator; } /** * @return the evolutionaryAlgorithms */ public EvolutionaryAlgorithm[] getEvolutionaryAlgorithms() { return evolutionaryAlgorithms; } /** * @return the evolutionaryAlgorithm */ public EvolutionaryAlgorithm getEvolutionaryAlgorithm() { return evolutionaryAlgorithm; } /** * @return the fitnessFunctions */ public FitnessFunction[] getFitnessFunctions() { return fitnessFunctions; } /** * @return the fitnessFunction */ public FitnessFunction getFitnessFunction() { return fitnessFunction; } /** * @param mutator the mutator to set */ public void setMutator(int index) { this.mutator = mutators[index]; } /** * @param evolutionaryAlgorithm the evolutionaryAlgorithm to set */ public void setEvolutionaryAlgorithm(int index) { this.evolutionaryAlgorithm = evolutionaryAlgorithms[index]; } /** * @param fitnessFunction the fitnessFunction to set */ public void setFitnessFunction(int index) { this.fitnessFunction = fitnessFunctions[index]; } public void nextGeneration() { resources.set("currentGen", resources.getInt("currentGen") + 1); fitnessFunction.evaluate(population, resources); evolutionaryAlgorithm.evolve(population, mutator, resources); if (evolutionaryAlgorithm.getFittestChromosome().getFitness() >= 6) { System.out.println("solution found"); evolutionaryAlgorithm.getFittestChromosome().printNodes(); } else { System.out.println("Generation: " + resources.getInt("currentGen") + ", fitness: " + evolutionaryAlgorithm.getFittestChromosome().getFitness()); } } public void start() { while (resources.getInt("currentGen") <= resources.getInt("generations")) { nextGeneration(); } // TODO print something? } }