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save(File, Chromosome, Resources) - Static method in class jcgp.backend.parsers.ChromosomeParser
Writes a chromosome into the specified .chr file.
saveChromosome(File, int) - Method in class jcgp.JCGP
Saves a copy of the specified chromosome into the given file.
ScaledAddition() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.TravellingSalesmanFunctions.ScaledAddition
ScaledExponential() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.TravellingSalesmanFunctions.ScaledExponential
ScaledHypotenuse() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.TravellingSalesmanFunctions.ScaledHypotenuse
seed() - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.Resources
set(T) - Method in class jcgp.backend.parameters.Parameter
Sets the parameter to the specified value, if the property is not bound.
setArity(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
This is called automatically by the experiment when the arity changes.
setChangingConnection(Connection) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIGene
setChangingConnection(Connection) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIInput
setChangingConnection(Connection) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUINode
setChangingConnection(Connection) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIOutput
setColumns(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setConnection(int, Connection) - Method in interface jcgp.backend.population.Mutable
This method sets the indexed connection to the specified new connection.
setConnection(int, Connection) - Method in class jcgp.backend.population.Node
setConnection(int, Connection) - Method in class jcgp.backend.population.Output
When mutating an output, the index parameter is simply ignored and the output source is set.
setConnectionLine(GUIGene) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIGene
setConnectionLine(GUIGene) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIInput
setConnectionLine(GUIGene) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUINode
setConnectionLine(GUIGene) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIOutput
setConnections(GUIGene.GUIGeneState) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIGene
setConnections(GUIGene.GUIGeneState) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIInput
Set all connections to a given state.
setConnections(GUIGene.GUIGeneState) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUINode
setConnections(GUIGene.GUIGeneState) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIOutput
setConsole(Console) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
This can be set to null if no extra console is desired.
setConsole(Console) - Method in class jcgp.JCGP
Sets an extra console.
setCurrentGeneration(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setCurrentRun(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setDetails(String) - Method in enum jcgp.backend.parameters.ParameterStatus
Sets a new string containing details about the current status.
setEvaluating(boolean) - Method in class jcgp.gui.GUI
setEvaluating(boolean) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.PopulationPane
setEvolutionaryStrategy(int) - Method in class jcgp.JCGP
setFitness(double) - Method in class jcgp.backend.population.Chromosome
Sets the fitness of the chromosome.
setFitnessOrientation(BestFitness) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setFunction(Function) - Method in class jcgp.backend.population.Node
Sets the node function.
setFunction(Function) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUINode
setFunctionSet(FunctionSet) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
Update the current function set.
setGenerations(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setInputs(Object...) - Method in class jcgp.backend.population.Chromosome
Loops through the inputs and sets the specified values, so that evaluations can be performed.
setInputs(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setInputs(Object[]) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.ChromosomePane
setLevelsBack(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setMutator(int) - Method in class jcgp.JCGP
setNode(Node) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUINode
setOutput(Output) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIOutput
setOutputs(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setPopulationSize(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setProblem(int) - Method in class jcgp.JCGP
setReportInterval(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setRows(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setRuns(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setSeed(int) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.ModifiableResources
setState(GUIGene.GUIGeneState) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIGene
setState(GUIGene.GUIGeneState) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIInput
setState(GUIGene.GUIGeneState) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUINode
setState(GUIGene.GUIGeneState) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIOutput
SETTINGS_MIN_WIDTH - Static variable in class jcgp.gui.GUI
SettingsPane - Class in jcgp.gui.settings
SettingsPane(GUI) - Constructor for class jcgp.gui.settings.SettingsPane
setValue(Object) - Method in class jcgp.backend.population.Input
Sets this input's value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIInput
Sine() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Sine
SineAB() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.SymbolicRegressionFunctions.SineAB
SOCKET_RADIUS - Static variable in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIGene
SOFT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR - Static variable in class jcgp.gui.GUI
sort() - Method in class jcgp.backend.population.Population
Sorts the population in ascending order of fitness quality.
SPACING - Static variable in class jcgp.gui.population.GUIGene
Square() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.TravellingSalesmanFunctions.Square
SquaredMultiplication() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.TravellingSalesmanFunctions.SquaredMultiplication
SquareRoot() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.SymbolicRegressionFunctions.SquareRoot
SquareRoot() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.TravellingSalesmanFunctions.SquareRoot
start(Stage) - Method in class jcgp.gui.GUI
start() - Method in class jcgp.JCGP
This method calls nextGeneration() in a loop until the experiment is flagged as finished.
StatisticsLogger - Class in jcgp.backend.statistics
This is a utility class for logging experiment statistics when doing multiple runs.
StatisticsLogger() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.statistics.StatisticsLogger
Create a new statistics logger, use this when resetting is necessary.
step() - Method in class jcgp.gui.GUI
Subtraction() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Subtraction
SymbolicRegressionFunctions - Class in jcgp.backend.function
This class contains all symbolic regression functions (defined as double functions in the classic CGP implementation) in static nested classes.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.SymbolicRegressionFunctions
Creates a new instance of SymbolicRegressionFunctions.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Absolute - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Absolute returns the positive value of input 0.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Addition - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Addition returns the sum of inputs 0 and 1.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Cosine - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Cosine function, in radians.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.CosineAB - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Cosine of sum.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Division - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Protected division, returns the quotient of input 0 (the dividend) and input 1 (the divisor).
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Exponential - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Exponential function.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.HyperbolicCosine - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of input 0.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.HyperbolicSine - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Returns the hyperbolic sine of input 0.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.HyperbolicTangent - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of input 0.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Hypotenuse - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Hypotenuse function.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.LogBaseTen - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Protected log base 10 function.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Multiplication - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Multiplication returns the product of inputs 0 and 1.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.NaturalLog - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Protected natural log function.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Power - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Power function.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Reciprocal - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Protected reciprocal function, returns (1 / input 0).
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Sine - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Sine function, in radians.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.SineAB - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Sine of sum.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.SquareRoot - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Protected square root function, returns the square root of the absolute value of input 0.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Subtraction - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Subtraction returns the difference between inputs 0 and 1.
SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Tangent - Class in jcgp.backend.function
Protected tangent function, in radians.
SymbolicRegressionProblem - Class in jcgp.backend.modules.problem
Symbolic regression functions

Using this problem type, regression problems can be solved.
SymbolicRegressionProblem(Resources) - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.modules.problem.SymbolicRegressionProblem
Creates a new instance of SymbolicRegressionProblem.
SymmetricSubtraction() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.TravellingSalesmanFunctions.SymmetricSubtraction
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