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Parameter<T> - Class in jcgp.backend.parameters
Specifies an abstract model of a module parameter.
ParameterParser - Class in jcgp.backend.parsers
Contains a static method for parsing parameters from a .par file.
ParameterParser() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.parsers.ParameterParser
ParameterStatus - Enum in jcgp.backend.parameters
Enum type containing all possible states for parameters.
parse(File, Chromosome, Resources) - Static method in class jcgp.backend.parsers.ChromosomeParser
Use this method to parse .chr files into a given chromosome.
parse(File, FunctionSet, Resources) - Static method in class jcgp.backend.parsers.FunctionParser
Reads the specified file and attempts to enable and disable the functions in the FunctionSet accordingly.
parse(File, ModifiableResources) - Static method in class jcgp.backend.parsers.ParameterParser
Parses the parameters from a specified CGP parameter file and modifies the experiment resources appropriately.
parse(File, TestCaseProblem<?>, ModifiableResources) - Static method in class jcgp.backend.parsers.TestCaseParser
Sets the number of inputs and outputs in the resources to match the given file, and parses each test case from the file into the specified problem.
parseProblemData(File, ModifiableResources) - Method in class jcgp.backend.modules.problem.Problem
Parses the specified file and uses the parsed data to set up the problem type instance appropriately.
parseProblemData(File, ModifiableResources) - Method in class jcgp.backend.modules.problem.TestCaseProblem
parseTestCase(String[], String[]) - Method in class jcgp.backend.modules.problem.DigitalCircuitProblem
parseTestCase(String[], String[]) - Method in class jcgp.backend.modules.problem.SymbolicRegressionProblem
PercentPointMutator - Class in jcgp.backend.modules.mutator
Percent point mutator

This operator calculates how many genes to mutate based on the mutation rate parameter.
PercentPointMutator(Resources) - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.modules.mutator.PercentPointMutator
Creates a new instance of PercentPointMutator.
PointMutator - Class in jcgp.backend.modules.mutator
Point mutator

In point mutation, a number of random genes is picked and mutated until all required mutations have been performed.
Population - Class in jcgp.backend.population
This class primarily holds a collection of chromosomes.
Population(Resources) - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.population.Population
Initialise a random population according to the parameters specified in the resources.
Population(Chromosome, Resources) - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.population.Population
Initialise a population of copies of the given chromosome.
PopulationPane - Class in jcgp.gui.population
PopulationPane(GUI) - Constructor for class jcgp.gui.population.PopulationPane
populationSize() - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.Resources
Power() - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.function.SymbolicRegressionFunctions.Power
print(Chromosome, Resources) - Static method in class jcgp.backend.parsers.ChromosomeParser
Writes a chromosome to the console in .chr format.
print(String) - Method in interface jcgp.backend.resources.Console
Prints a string without line break at the end (unless the string itself specifies one).
print(String) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.Resources
Prints a message to the consoles ignoring report interval.
print(String) - Method in class jcgp.gui.console.ConsolePane
println(String) - Method in interface jcgp.backend.resources.Console
Prints a string and automatically adds a line break at the end.
println(String) - Method in class jcgp.backend.resources.Resources
Prints a message to the consoles ignoring report interval.
println(String) - Method in class jcgp.gui.console.ConsolePane
printNodes() - Method in class jcgp.backend.population.Chromosome
Iterates through the nodes and prints all connections and functions.
ProbabilisticMutator - Class in jcgp.backend.modules.mutator
Probabilistic mutator

This operator iterates through every mutable gene in the chromosome and decides whether to mutate each of them individually.
ProbabilisticMutator(Resources) - Constructor for class jcgp.backend.modules.mutator.ProbabilisticMutator
Creates a new instance of ProbabilisticMutator.
Problem - Class in jcgp.backend.modules.problem
Defines the general behaviour of a CGP problem.
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