package jcgp.gui.population; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.input.MouseDragEvent; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; import javafx.scene.paint.Paint; import javafx.scene.shape.Circle; import javafx.scene.shape.Line; import jcgp.backend.function.Function; import jcgp.backend.population.Connection; import jcgp.backend.population.Input; import jcgp.backend.population.Node; import jcgp.backend.resources.Resources; import jcgp.gui.GUI; import jcgp.gui.constants.Constants; public class GUINode extends GUIGene { private Line[] lines; private Node node; private Resources resources; private int connectionIndex = 0; public GUINode(ChromosomePane parentRef, final Node node, Line[] connectionLines, final GUI gui) { super(); // store references this.parent = parentRef; this.node = node; this.lines = connectionLines; this.resources = gui.getExperiment().getResources(); // move the GUIGene to the right position relocate(((node.getColumn() + 1) * (2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SPACING)) + Constants.NODE_RADIUS, (node.getRow() * (2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SPACING)) + Constants.NODE_RADIUS); // set the line ends correctly updateLines(); final Label connectionNumber = new Label(); connectionNumber.setStyle("-fx-background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255); -fx-border-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); "); connectionNumber.setVisible(false); Circle output = new Circle(Constants.NODE_RADIUS, 0, Constants.SOCKET_RADIUS, Paint.valueOf("white")); output.setStroke(Paint.valueOf("black")); updateText(); Circle[] sockets = new Circle[resources.arity()]; double angle, xPos, yPos; for (int l = 0; l < sockets.length; l++) { angle = (((l + 1) / ((double) (resources.arity() + 1))) * Constants.THETA) - (Constants.THETA / 2); xPos = -Math.cos(angle) * Constants.NODE_RADIUS; yPos = Math.sin(angle) * Constants.NODE_RADIUS; sockets[l] = new Circle(xPos, yPos, Constants.SOCKET_RADIUS, Paint.valueOf("white")); sockets[l].setId(String.valueOf(l)); sockets[l].setStroke(Paint.valueOf("black")); final Circle s = sockets[l]; final int index = l; /* * Mouse event handlers on sockets * */ s.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.DRAG_DETECTED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { // the mouse has been dragged out of the socket, this means a full drag is in progress startFullDrag(); } }); s.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { // user is hovering over connection socket connectionNumber.setText("C: " + s.getId()); connectionNumber.relocate(s.getCenterX() + 5, s.getCenterY() - 10); connectionNumber.setVisible(true); } }); s.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { // user exits the connection socket connectionNumber.setVisible(false); } }); s.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { // mouse was pressed on the socket setState(GUIGeneState.SOURCE); connectionIndex = index; } }); s.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { if (!parent.isTarget()) { lines[connectionIndex].setEndX(event.getX() + ((Circle) event.getSource()).getParent().getLayoutX()); lines[connectionIndex].setEndY(event.getY() + ((Circle) event.getSource()).getParent().getLayoutY()); } } }); s.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { if (event.isStillSincePress()) { // mouse was released before dragging out of the socket updateLine(index); setState(GUIGeneState.HOVER); } else if (getState() == GUIGeneState.SOURCE) { // no connection has been made, fallback resetState(); updateLines(); } } }); } /* * Mouse event handlers on whole gene */ addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { gui.bringFunctionSelector(event, (GUINode) event.getSource()); } }); addEventFilter(MouseDragEvent.MOUSE_DRAG_ENTERED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseDragEvent event) { // the drag has entered this node, react appropriately // this happens even if we are the source of the drag if (isAllowed((GUIGene) event.getGestureSource(), (GUIGene) event.getSource())) { ((GUIGene) event.getGestureSource()).setConnectionLine((GUIGene) event.getSource()); Connection source = ((GUIGene) event.getGestureSource()).getChangingConnection(); if (node == source) { setState(GUIGeneState.NO_CHANGE_TARGET); } else { setState(GUIGeneState.VALID_TARGET); } } else { setState(GUIGeneState.INVALID_TARGET); } } }); addEventFilter(MouseDragEvent.MOUSE_DRAG_EXITED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseDragEvent event) { // the drag has exited this node, react appropriately // this happens even if we are the source of the drag parent.setTarget(false); if (event.isPrimaryButtonDown()) { if (event.getGestureSource() == event.getSource()) { setState(GUIGeneState.SOURCE); } else { if (getState() == GUIGeneState.NO_CHANGE_TARGET) { setState(GUIGeneState.INDIRECT_HOVER); } else { setState(GUIGeneState.NEUTRAL); ((GUIGene) event.getGestureSource()).setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.INDIRECT_HOVER); } } } } }); addEventFilter(MouseDragEvent.MOUSE_DRAG_RELEASED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseDragEvent event) { GUIGene source = ((GUIGene) event.getGestureSource()); // set states to reflect the new situation if (source.isLocked()) { source.setState(GUIGeneState.HOVER); source.setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.HOVER); } else { source.setState(GUIGeneState.NEUTRAL); source.setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.NEUTRAL); } // the user released the drag gesture on this node, react appropriately if (isAllowed((GUIGene) event.getGestureSource(), (GUIGene) event.getSource())) { if (source.isLocked()) { // remove locks from the old connection, add the to setConnethe new // note that the old connection may still have locks after this parent.getGuiGene(source.getChangingConnection()).removeLocks(source.getLocks()); addLocks(source.getLocks()); } else { if (source instanceof GUIOutput) { source.resetState(); } } source.setChangingConnection(node); } source.updateLines(); setState(GUIGeneState.HOVER); } }); addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { // cursor has entered this node without dragging, or it is dragging and this is the source if (getState() == GUIGeneState.NEUTRAL) { setState(GUIGeneState.HOVER); } else if (locked > 0) { setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.LOCKED_HOVER); } } }); addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED, new EventHandler() { @Override public void handle(MouseEvent event) { // cursor has left this node without dragging, or it is dragging and this is the source if (getState() == GUIGeneState.HOVER && locked <= 0) { setState(GUIGeneState.NEUTRAL); setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.NEUTRAL); } else if (locked > 0) { if (getState() == GUIGeneState.SOURCE || getState() == GUIGeneState.INVALID_TARGET) { setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.INDIRECT_HOVER); } else { setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.HOVER); } } } }); getChildren().addAll(mainCircle, text); getChildren().addAll(sockets); getChildren().addAll(output, connectionNumber); } @Override public void setState(GUIGeneState newState) { switch (newState) { case ACTIVE_HOVER: if (locked > 0) { setState(GUIGeneState.LOCKED_HOVER); } else { mainCircle.setFill(Paint.valueOf(Constants.SOFT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR)); showLines(true); } setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.ACTIVE_HOVER); break; case LOCKED_HOVER: mainCircle.setFill(Paint.valueOf(Constants.SOFT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR)); break; case INVALID_TARGET: mainCircle.setFill(Paint.valueOf(Constants.BAD_SELECTION_COLOUR)); break; case HOVER: mainCircle.setFill(Paint.valueOf(Constants.MEDIUM_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR)); showLines(true); if (locked <= 0) { setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.INDIRECT_HOVER); } else { setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.HOVER); } break; case INDIRECT_HOVER: mainCircle.setFill(Paint.valueOf(Constants.SOFT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR)); break; case NEUTRAL: if (locked > 0) { setState(GUIGeneState.HOVER); } else { mainCircle.setFill(Paint.valueOf(Constants.NEUTRAL_COLOUR)); showLines(false); if (getState() == GUIGeneState.ACTIVE_HOVER) { setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.NEUTRAL); } } break; case NO_CHANGE_TARGET: parent.setTarget(true); mainCircle.setFill(Paint.valueOf(Constants.NEUTRAL_SELECTION_COLOUR)); break; case SOURCE: mainCircle.setFill(Paint.valueOf(Constants.HARD_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR)); break; case VALID_TARGET: parent.setTarget(true); mainCircle.setFill(Paint.valueOf(Constants.GOOD_SELECTION_COLOUR)); break; default: break; } super.setState(newState); } @Override public Connection getChangingConnection() { return node.getConnection(connectionIndex); } private boolean isAllowed(GUIGene source, GUIGene target) { if (source instanceof GUINode) { // if the source is a node, all inputs and some nodes are valid if (target instanceof GUIInput) { return true; } else if (target instanceof GUINode) { // target and source are nodes, let's look at levels back Node t = ((GUINode) target).getNode(), s = ((GUINode) source).getNode(); if (s.getColumn() - t.getColumn() > 0 && s.getColumn() - t.getColumn() <= resources.levelsBack()) { return true; } return false; } else if (target instanceof GUIOutput) { return false; } else { throw new ClassCastException("Target was neither GUINode nor GUIInput nor GUIOutput."); } } else if (source instanceof GUIOutput) { // if the source is an output, any node or input is valid if (target instanceof GUINode || target instanceof GUIInput) { return true; } else if (target instanceof GUIOutput) { return false; } else { throw new ClassCastException("Target was neither GUINode nor GUIInput nor GUIOutput."); } } // if the source was neither node nor output, something bad is happening throw new ClassCastException("Source was neither GUINode nor GUIOutput."); } public Node getNode() { return node; } /** * Place the end of the specified line on the output of the associated connection. * * @param index the line to be updated. */ public void updateLine(int index) { if (node.getConnection(index) instanceof Node) { int row = ((Node) node.getConnection(index)).getRow(), column = ((Node) node.getConnection(index)).getColumn(); lines[index].setEndX(((column + 1) * (2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SPACING)) + 2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS); lines[index].setEndY((row * (2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SPACING)) + Constants.NODE_RADIUS); } else if (node.getConnection(index) instanceof Input) { int inputIndex = ((Input) node.getConnection(index)).getIndex(); lines[index].setEndX(2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS); lines[index].setEndY(inputIndex * (2 * Constants.NODE_RADIUS + Constants.SPACING) + Constants.NODE_RADIUS); } } /** * Updates the end of all lines to match the associated connections. */ @Override public void updateLines() { for (int c = 0; c < lines.length; c++) { updateLine(c); } } /** * Toggle visibility of all connection lines. * * @param value whether to show the lines or not. */ private void showLines(boolean value) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { lines[i].setVisible(value); } } @Override public void setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState newState) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { parent.getGuiGene(node.getConnection(i)).setState(newState); } } @Override public void setChangingConnection(Connection newConnection) { node.setConnection(connectionIndex, newConnection); if (parent.isEvaluating()) { parent.updateValues(); } } @Override public void resetState() { if (locked > 0) { setState(GUIGeneState.HOVER); } else { setState(GUIGeneState.NEUTRAL); setConnectionStates(GUIGeneState.NEUTRAL); } } @Override protected void setLocked(boolean value) { locked += value ? 1 : -1; setState(locked > 0 ? GUIGeneState.HOVER : GUIGeneState.ACTIVE_HOVER); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { parent.getGuiGene(node.getConnection(i)).setLocked(value); } } @Override public void addLocks(int value) { locked += value; setState(locked > 0 ? GUIGeneState.HOVER : GUIGeneState.ACTIVE_HOVER); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { parent.getGuiGene(node.getConnection(i)).addLocks(value); } } @Override public void removeLocks(int value) { locked -= value; setState(locked > 0 ? GUIGeneState.HOVER : GUIGeneState.NEUTRAL); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { parent.getGuiGene(node.getConnection(i)).removeLocks(value); } } @Override public void setConnectionLine(GUIGene gene) { lines[connectionIndex].setEndX(gene.getLayoutX() + Constants.NODE_RADIUS); lines[connectionIndex].setEndY(gene.getLayoutY()); } public void updateText() { if (parent.isEvaluating()) { text.setText(node.getFunction() + "\n" + node.getValue().toString()); } else { text.setText(node.getFunction().toString()); } } public void setFunction(Function function) { node.setFunction(function); if (parent.isEvaluating()) { parent.updateValues(); } else { updateText(); } } public void setNode(Node newNode) { node = newNode; } }