diff options
authorEddy Pedroni <epedroni@pm.me>2023-12-18 06:39:04 +0100
committerEddy Pedroni <epedroni@pm.me>2023-12-18 06:39:04 +0100
commita01646ac1d19081de6610f5daedd6d102beab403 (patch)
parent7245ff2adc16f5c61c1575687583b55b7d3e0ac5 (diff)
Add status bar script
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dwm-statusbar b/dwm-statusbar
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6ebd11c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dwm-statusbar
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Status bar for dwm. Adapted from:
+# https://github.com/w0ng/bin/blob/master/dwm-statusbar
+# The functions are fairly system-dependent, so it is recommended to copy this file to your ~/bin (or equivalent) and make the adjustments there.
+# Colour codes from dwm/config.h
+colour_faded="\x01" # grey on black
+colour_neutral="\x02" # blue on black
+colour_warning="\x03" # yellow on black
+colour_critical="\x04" # red on black
+colour_normal="\x05" # grey on black
+# The amount of spacing to use (or a spacer character, like |)
+space=" "
+# Time to wait between refreshes, in seconds
+# Name of the network adapters, like enp3s0
+print_date() {
+ echo -ne "${colour_normal}$(date "+%d.%m.%y")"
+print_time() {
+ time_local="$(date "+%H:%M")"
+ #time_us="$(TZ='US/Central' date "+%H:%M")"
+ time_br="$(TZ='America/Sao_Paulo' date "+%H:%M")"
+ echo -ne "${colour_neutral}\uE3D2${colour_normal}${time_local}${colour_faded}${time_br}"
+ #echo -ne "${colour_neutral}\uE3D2${colour_normal}${time_local}"
+print_volume() {
+ # empty E022, low E023, full E024, mid E03B
+ volume=$(amixer get Master -M | tail -n1 | sed -r 's/.*\[(.*)%\].*/\1/')
+ mute="$(amixer get Master | tail -n1 | sed -r 's/.*\[(on|off)\].*/\1/')"
+ if [ "$mute" == "off" ]; then
+ vol_colour=$colour_warning
+ icon_colour=$colour_warning
+ icon="\uE022"
+ else
+ vol_colour=$colour_normal
+ icon_colour=$colour_neutral
+ if [ $volume -eq 0 ]; then
+ icon="\uE022"
+ elif [ $volume -lt 33 ]; then
+ icon="\uE023"
+ elif [ $volume -lt 66 ]; then
+ icon="\uE03B"
+ else
+ icon="\uE024"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo -ne "${icon_colour}${icon}${vol_colour}${volume}%"
+# This is very system-dependent
+print_backlight() {
+ # E3D8
+ max_backlight=$(cat /sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl1/max_brightness)
+ let backlight="100 * $(cat /sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl1/brightness) / $max_backlight"
+ echo -ne "${colour_neutral}\uE3D8${colour_normal}${backlight}%"
+# This will probably need tweaking
+print_battery() {
+ # charging E20D, empty E20E, full E20F, 2/3 E210, 1/3 E211
+ # 1 or 0
+ ac_status=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/ACAD/online)
+ if [ $ac_status -eq 1 ]; then
+ icon_colour=$colour_neutral
+ if [ -d "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT1" ]; then
+ icon="\uE20D"
+ bat_colour=$colour_normal
+ bat_capacity="$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/capacity)%"
+ else
+ icon="\uE257"
+ fi
+ else
+ bat_capacity=$(cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1/capacity)
+ if [ $bat_capacity -lt 10 ]; then
+ bat_colour=$colour_critical
+ icon_colour=$colour_critical
+ icon="\uE20E"
+ elif [ $bat_capacity -lt 35 ]; then
+ bat_colour=$colour_warning
+ icon_colour=$colour_warning
+ icon="\uE211"
+ elif [ $bat_capacity -lt 65 ]; then
+ bat_colour=$colour_normal
+ icon_colour=$colour_neutral
+ icon="\uE1FB"
+ elif [ $bat_capacity -lt 85 ]; then
+ bat_colour=$colour_normal
+ icon_colour=$colour_neutral
+ icon="\uE210"
+ else
+ bat_colour=$colour_normal
+ icon_colour=$colour_neutral
+ icon="\uE20F"
+ fi
+ bat_capacity="${bat_capacity}%"
+ fi
+ echo -ne "${icon_colour}${icon}${bat_colour}${bat_capacity}"
+# This should work out of the box
+print_root_free() {
+ # floppy E0C3
+ root_free=$(df -kh / | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}')
+ root_percent=$(df -kh / | awk 'NR==2 {print $5}' | sed 's/%//g')
+ if [ $root_percent -gt 90 ]; then
+ icon_colour=$colour_critical
+ root_colour=$colour_critical
+ elif [ $root_percent -gt 75 ]; then
+ icon_colour=$colour_warning
+ root_colour=$colour_warning
+ else
+ icon_colour=$colour_neutral
+ root_colour=$colour_normal
+ fi
+ echo -ne "${icon_colour}\uE0C3${root_colour}/: ${root_free} (${root_percent}%)"
+# This should also work out of the box, but only makes sense if your /home is on a different partition
+print_home_free() {
+ # floppy E0C3
+ home_free=$(df -kh /home | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}')
+ home_percent=$(df -kh /home | awk 'NR==2 {print $5}' | sed 's/%//g')
+ if [ $home_percent -gt 90 ]; then
+ icon_colour=$colour_critical
+ home_colour=$colour_critical
+ elif [ $home_percent -gt 75 ]; then
+ icon_colour=$colour_warning
+ home_colour=$colour_warning
+ else
+ icon_colour=$colour_neutral
+ home_colour=$colour_normal
+ fi
+ echo -ne "${icon_colour}\uE0C3${home_colour}/home: ${home_free} (${home_percent}%)"
+# This is highly system-dependent, so use it as a template only
+print_shared_free() {
+ # floppy E0C3
+ shared_free=$(df -kh /home/eddy/shared | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}')
+ shared_percent=$(df -kh /home/eddy/shared | awk 'NR==2 {print $5}' | sed 's/%//g')
+ if [ $shared_percent -gt 90 ]; then
+ icon_colour=$colour_critical
+ shared_colour=$colour_critical
+ elif [ $shared_percent -gt 75 ]; then
+ icon_colour=$colour_warning
+ shared_colour=$colour_warning
+ else
+ icon_colour=$colour_neutral
+ shared_colour=$colour_normal
+ fi
+ echo -ne "${icon_colour}\uE0C3${shared_colour}/mnt/shared: ${shared_free} (${shared_percent}%)"
+# This should work out of the box
+print_mem_free() {
+ mem_free="$(free -m | awk '/Mem:/ {print $7}')"
+ mem_colour=$colour_normal
+ icon_colour=$colour_neutral
+ if [ $mem_free -lt 250 ]; then
+ mem_colour=$colour_critical
+ icon_colour=$colour_critical
+ elif [ $mem_free -lt 500 ]; then
+ mem_colour=$colour_warning
+ icon_colour=$colour_warning
+ fi
+ echo -ne "${icon_colour}\uE28B${mem_colour}${mem_free}M"
+# This depends on lm_sensors and will likely need configuring
+print_cpu_temp() {
+ cpu_temp=$(sensors -u | awk '/edge/ {getline; print $2}' | sed -r 's/([0-9]*)\.[0-9]*/\1/')
+ temp_colour=$colour_normal
+ icon_colour=$colour_neutral
+ if [ $cpu_temp -gt 83 ]; then
+ temp_colour=$colour_critical
+ icon_colour=$colour_critical
+ elif [ $cpu_temp -gt 99 ]; then
+ temp_colour=$colour_warning
+ icon_colour=$colour_warning
+ fi
+ echo -ne "${icon_colour}\uE3B2${temp_colour}${cpu_temp}°"
+# cpu (from: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=661641#p661641)
+print_cpu_used() {
+ echo -ne "${colour_neutral}\uE3AF${colour_normal}${cpu_used}%"
+# Configure the adapter to display above
+print_eth() {
+ eth_status=$(ip addr show dev ${eth_adapter} | awk 'NR==1 {print $9}')
+ if [ "$eth_status" == "UP" ]; then
+ eth_ip=$(ip addr show dev ${eth_adapter} | awk 'NR==3 {print $2}' | sed -r 's/\/.*//')
+ icon_colour=${colour_neutral}
+ eth_colour=${colour_normal}
+ else
+ icon_colour=${colour_faded}
+ fi
+ echo -ne "${icon_colour}\uE0E4${eth_colour}${eth_ip}"
+# Configure the adapter to display above, strength might need to be tweaked
+print_wlan() {
+ wlan_status=$(ip addr show dev ${wlan_adapter} | awk 'NR==1 {print $9}')
+ if [ "$wlan_status" == "UP" ]; then
+ wlan_ip=$(ip addr show dev ${wlan_adapter} | awk 'NR==3 {print $2}' | sed -r 's/\/.*//')
+ let wlan_strength="10 * $(cat /proc/net/wireless | awk 'NR==3 {print substr($3, 1, 2)}') / 7"
+ if [ $wlan_strength -lt 25 ]; then
+ icon_colour=${colour_critical}
+ wlan_colour=${colour_critical}
+ elif [ $wlan_strength -lt 50 ]; then
+ icon_colour=${colour_warning}
+ wlan_colour=${colour_warning}
+ else
+ icon_colour=${colour_neutral}
+ wlan_colour=${colour_normal}
+ fi
+ wlan_strength="${wlan_strength}%"
+ else
+ icon_colour=${colour_faded}
+ fi
+ echo -ne "${icon_colour}\uE401${wlan_colour}${wlan_ip} ${wlan_strength}"
+while true; do
+ # get new cpu idle and total usage
+ eval $(awk '/^cpu /{print "cpu_idle_now=" $5 "; cpu_total_now=" $2+$3+$4+$5 }' /proc/stat)
+ cpu_interval=$((cpu_total_now-${cpu_total_old:-0}))
+ # calculate cpu usage (%)
+ let cpu_used="100 * ($cpu_interval - ($cpu_idle_now-${cpu_idle_old:-0})) / $cpu_interval"
+ # Pipe to status bar
+ # This is where you can adjust what gets shown by adding the desired function calls
+ xsetroot -name "$(print_wlan)${space}$(print_root_free)${space}$(print_home_free)${space}$(print_cpu_used)${space}$(print_cpu_temp)${space}$(print_mem_free)${space}$(print_battery)${space}$(print_backlight)${space}$(print_volume)${space}$(print_time)$(print_date)"
+ # reset old rate
+ cpu_idle_old=$cpu_idle_now
+ cpu_total_old=$cpu_total_now
+ # loop stats every so many seconds
+ sleep "${refresh}"