package eu.equalparts.cardbase.cli; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Scanner; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import eu.equalparts.cardbase.utils.MTGUniverse; public class CardbaseCLITest { private CardbaseCLI uut; private ByteArrayOutputStream testOutput; private final PrintStream console = System.out; private final String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); @Rule public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); @Rule public TemporaryFolder tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder(); @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(); testOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { } /*********************************************************************************** * Constructor tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void instantiationWithoutArguments() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(); assertEquals("Cardbase contains the wrong number of card entries.", 0, uut.cardbase.getCards().size()); } @Test public void instantiationWithCardbaseFile() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); assertEquals("Cardbase contains the wrong number of card entries.", 6, uut.cardbase.getCards().size()); class CardInfo { String setCode, number; Integer count; public CardInfo(String setCode, String number, Integer count) { this.setCode = setCode; this.number = number; this.count = count; } } CardInfo[] testCards = new CardInfo[] { new CardInfo("M12", "34", 2), new CardInfo("FRF", "129", 8), new CardInfo("M12", "26", 1), new CardInfo("FRF", "127", 1), new CardInfo("FRF", "128", 1), new CardInfo("M12", "152", 1)}; for (CardInfo ci : testCards) { Card card = uut.cardbase.getCard(ci.setCode, ci.number); assertNotNull("Missing card, set " + ci.setCode + ", " + ci.number, card); assertEquals("Wrong card count, set " + ci.setCode + ", " + ci.number, ci.count, card.count); } } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void instantiationWithInvalidArguments() throws Exception { File notAFile = tempFolder.newFile(); tempFolder.delete(); exception.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); uut = new CardbaseCLI(notAFile.getAbsolutePath()); } @Test public void instantiationWithEmptyArguments() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(""); assertEquals("Cardbase contains the wrong number of card entries.", 0, uut.cardbase.getCards().size()); } /*********************************************************************************** * help() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void helpInformationIsPrinted() throws Exception { try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/help_en"))) { String help = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("help"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals(help + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } /*********************************************************************************** * write() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void writeCardbaseToSpecifiedFile() throws Exception { File testFile = tempFolder.newFile("saveTest.cb"); try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/shivandragon.json")); Scanner scanner2 = new Scanner(testFile)) { String cardJSON = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); Card testCard = new ObjectMapper().readValue(cardJSON, Card.class); testCard.count = 1; uut.cardbase.addCard(testCard); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("write " + testFile.getAbsolutePath()); } finally { System.setOut(console); } String save = scanner2.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); assertTrue(save.contains(cardJSON)); assertEquals("Cardbase was saved to \"" + testFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\". " + "Subsequent writes will be done to this same file unless otherwise requested." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } @Test public void specifiedFileIsSubsequentlyUsedByDefault() throws Exception { File testFile = tempFolder.newFile("saveTest.cb"); try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/shivandragon.json")); Scanner scanner2 = new Scanner(testFile)) { uut.interpretInput("write " + testFile.getAbsolutePath()); String cardJSON = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); Card testCard = new ObjectMapper().readValue(cardJSON, Card.class); testCard.count = 1; uut.cardbase.addCard(testCard); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("write"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } String save = scanner2.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); assertTrue(save.contains(cardJSON)); assertEquals("Cardbase was saved to \"" + testFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\". " + "Subsequent writes will be done to this same file unless otherwise requested." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } @Test public void noFileIsProvidedAndNoDefaultIsAvailable() throws Exception { try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("write"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Please provide a file name." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } @Test public void reasonableFileNameWithoutExtension() throws Exception { File testFile = tempFolder.newFile("saveTest"); try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/shivandragon.json")); Scanner scanner2 = new Scanner(new File(tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() + "/saveTest.cb"))) { String cardJSON = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); Card testCard = new ObjectMapper().readValue(cardJSON, Card.class); testCard.count = 1; uut.cardbase.addCard(testCard); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("write " + testFile.getAbsolutePath()); } finally { System.setOut(console); } String save = scanner2.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); assertTrue(save.contains(cardJSON)); assertEquals("Cardbase was saved to \"" + tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() + "saveTest.cb\". " + "Subsequent writes will be done to this same file unless otherwise requested." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void pathProvidedIsDirectory() throws Exception { File directory = tempFolder.newFolder("testdirectory.cb"); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("write " + directory.getAbsolutePath()); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Could not write to \"" + directory.getAbsolutePath() + "\"." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } @Test public void nameWithBrokenExtension() throws Exception { try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/shivandragon.json"))) { String cardJSON = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); Card testCard = new ObjectMapper().readValue(cardJSON, Card.class); testCard.count = 1; uut.cardbase.addCard(testCard); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("write " + tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() + "/saveTest.c b"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } try (Scanner scanner2 = new Scanner(new File(tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() + "/saveTest.c.cb"))) { String save = scanner2.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); assertTrue(save.contains(cardJSON)); assertEquals("Cardbase was saved to \"" + tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() + "/saveTest.c.cb\". " + "Subsequent writes will be done to this same file unless otherwise requested." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } } @Test public void nameWithWrongExtension() throws Exception { try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/shivandragon.json"))) { String cardJSON = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); Card testCard = new ObjectMapper().readValue(cardJSON, Card.class); testCard.count = 1; uut.cardbase.addCard(testCard); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("write " + tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() + "/saveTest.tar"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } try (Scanner scanner2 = new Scanner(new File(tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() + "/saveTest.tar.cb"))) { String save = scanner2.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); assertTrue(save.contains(cardJSON)); assertEquals("Cardbase was saved to \"" + tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() + "/saveTest.tar.cb\". " + "Subsequent writes will be done to this same file unless otherwise requested." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } } @Test public void nameWithIllegalCharacters() throws Exception { try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/shivandragon.json"))) { String cardJSON = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); Card testCard = new ObjectMapper().readValue(cardJSON, Card.class); testCard.count = 1; uut.cardbase.addCard(testCard); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("write " + tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() + "/f1lEnämẽ\"--._-//"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Error: lost contact with the output file." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } /*********************************************************************************** * version() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void correctVersionIsPrinted() throws Exception { try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("version"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Cardbase v" + CardbaseCLI.VERSION + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } /*********************************************************************************** * exit() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void exitFlagIsRaised() throws Exception { uut.interpretInput("exit"); assertEquals("Incorrect state for exit flag.", true, uut.exit); } @Test public void saveReminderIsPrintedIfPromptFlagIsRaised() throws Exception { uut.savePrompt = true; try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("exit"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Don't forget to save. If you really wish to quit without saving, type \"exit\" again." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); assertEquals("Incorrect state for exit flag.", false, uut.exit); } @Test public void exitFlagIsRaisedAfterSavePromptIsAcknowledged() throws Exception { uut.savePrompt = true; uut.interpretInput("exit"); assertEquals("Incorrect state for exit flag.", false, uut.exit); assertEquals("Incorrect state for save flag.", false, uut.savePrompt); uut.interpretInput("exit"); assertEquals("Incorrect state for exit flag.", true, uut.exit); } /*********************************************************************************** * sets() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void correctSetListIsPrinted() throws Exception { uut.mtgUniverse = new MTGUniverse(getClass().getResource("").toString()); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("sets"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("LEA : Limited Edition Alpha\n" + "LEB : Limited Edition Beta\n" + "ARN : Arabian Nights\n" + "M15 : Magic 2015 Core Set" + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void fallbackListIsPrintedIfListCannotBeFound() throws Exception { File noListLocation = tempFolder.newFolder(); tempFolder.delete(); uut.mtgUniverse = new MTGUniverse("file:" + noListLocation.getCanonicalPath() + "/"); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("sets"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("expectedFallbackList"))) { String expectedOutput = scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next(); assertEquals(expectedOutput + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } /*********************************************************************************** * set() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void correctSetIsSelected() throws Exception { uut.mtgUniverse = new MTGUniverse(getClass().getResource("").toString()); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("set M15"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Selected set: Magic 2015 Core Set." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); assertEquals(uut.selectedSet.code, "M15"); } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void invalidSetIsProvided() throws Exception { uut.mtgUniverse = new MTGUniverse(getClass().getResource("").toString()); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("set not_a_set"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("\"not_a_set\" does not correspond to any set (use \"sets\" to see all valid set codes)." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); assertNull(uut.selectedSet); } /*********************************************************************************** * glance() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void glanceIsPrintedWithOneCard() throws Exception { Card testCard = new ObjectMapper().readValue(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/shivandragon.json"), Card.class); testCard.count = 1; uut.cardbase.addCard(testCard); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("glance"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("1 Shivan Dragon (M15, 281)\nTotal: 1" + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } @Test public void glanceIsPrintedWithZeroCards() throws Exception { try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("glance"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Total: 0" + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } @Test public void glanceIsPrintedWithManyCards() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("glance"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("1 Reverberate (M12, 152)\n" + "1 Mighty Leap (M12, 26)\n" + "8 Formless Nurturing (FRF, 129)\n" + "1 Feral Krushok (FRF, 128)\n" + "1 Destructor Dragon (FRF, 127)\n" + "2 Siege Mastodon (M12, 34)\n" + "Total: 14" + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } /*********************************************************************************** * peruse() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void perusalIsPrintedWithOneCard() throws Exception { Card testCard = new ObjectMapper().readValue(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/shivandragon.json"), Card.class); testCard.count = 1; uut.cardbase.addCard(testCard); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("peruse"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("singleCardPerusal"))) { assertEquals(scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next() + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } @Test public void perusalIsPrintedWithZeroCards() throws Exception { try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("peruse"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Total: 0" + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } @Test public void perusalIsPrintedWithManyCards() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("peruse"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("multipleCardsPerusal"))) { assertEquals(scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next() + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } @Test public void specificPerusalWithValidArgumentIsPrinted() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to peruse from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("peruse 129"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(getClass().getResourceAsStream("specificCardPerusal"))) { assertEquals(scanner.useDelimiter("\\Z").next() + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void specificPerusalWithInvalidArgument() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to peruse from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("peruse 100"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Card not in cardbase." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } @Test public void specificPerusalWithNoSelectedSet() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); uut.selectedSet = null; try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("peruse 100"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Please select a set before perusing a specific card." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } /*********************************************************************************** * remove() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void removeValidAmountOfExistingCard() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to remove from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; uut.interpretInput("remove 129 3"); assertEquals("Wrong number of cards was removed.", uut.cardbase.getCard("FRF", "129").count, new Integer(6)); } @Test public void removeExceedingAmountOfExistingCard() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to remove from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; uut.interpretInput("remove 128 3"); assertNull("Card was not removed successfully.", uut.cardbase.getCard("FRF", "128")); } @Test public void removeExactAmountOfExistingCard() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to remove from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; uut.interpretInput("remove 128 1"); assertNull("Card was not removed successfully.", uut.cardbase.getCard("FRF", "128")); } @Test public void removeSingleExistingCardWithoutAmount() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to remove from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; uut.interpretInput("remove 128"); assertNull("Card was not removed successfully.", uut.cardbase.getCard("FRF", "128")); } @Test public void removeMultipleExistingCardWithoutAmount() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to remove from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; uut.interpretInput("remove 129"); assertNull("Card was not removed successfully.", uut.cardbase.getCard("FRF", "129")); } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void removeNonExistentCardWithoutAmount() throws Exception { // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to remove from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("remove 128"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Card FRF 128 is not in the cardbase." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } @Test public void removeNonExistentCardWithAmount() throws Exception { // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to remove from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("remove 128 2"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Card FRF 128 is not in the cardbase." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } @Test public void removeZeroOfExistingCard() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to remove from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; uut.interpretInput("remove 129 0"); assertEquals("Card amount should not have changed.", uut.cardbase.getCard("FRF", "129").count, new Integer(8)); } @Test public void removeNegativeAmountOfExistingCard() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to remove from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); fcs.code = "FRF"; uut.selectedSet = fcs; uut.interpretInput("remove 129 -10"); assertEquals("Card amount should not have changed.", uut.cardbase.getCard("FRF", "129").count, new Integer(8)); } @Test public void removeWithNoSetSelected() throws Exception { uut = new CardbaseCLI(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile()); uut.selectedSet = null; try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("remove 100"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Please select a set before removing cards." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } /*********************************************************************************** * add() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ // add /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void invalidCommandWithNoSelectedSet() throws Exception { try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("cOmMand5 argumEnt1 argument2"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("Please select a set before adding cards." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } @Test public void invalidCommandWithSelectedSet() throws Exception { // dummy set just so the uut knows the set to remove from FullCardSet fcs = new FullCardSet(); = "Fate Reforged"; = new HashMap(); uut.selectedSet = fcs; try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOutput)); uut.interpretInput("cOmMand5 argumEnt1 argument2"); } finally { System.setOut(console); } assertEquals("cOmMand5 does not correspond to a card in Fate Reforged." + EOL, testOutput.toString()); } // @Test // public void blankInput() throws Exception { // String[] processedInput = uut.sanitiseInput(""); // // assertEquals("Wrong array length.", 1, processedInput.length); // assertEquals("", processedInput[0]); // } // // @Test // public void onlyWhiteSpace() throws Exception { // String[] processedInput = uut.sanitiseInput(" "); // // assertEquals("Wrong array length.", 1, processedInput.length); // assertEquals("", processedInput[0]); // } // // @Test // public void leadingTrailingAndIntermediaryWhiteSpace() throws Exception { // String[] processedInput = uut.sanitiseInput(" \t this \twas \t \t a triumph \t\t "); // // assertEquals("Wrong array length.", 4, processedInput.length); // assertEquals("this", processedInput[0]); // assertEquals("was", processedInput[1]); // assertEquals("a", processedInput[2]); // assertEquals("triumph", processedInput[3]); // } /*********************************************************************************** * undo() tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ }