package eu.equalparts.cardbase; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import eu.equalparts.cardbase.Cardbase; import; /** * TODO deck functionality needs to be built into these. * * @author Eduardo Pedroni * */ public class CardbaseTest { private Cardbase uut; private static Card testCard; @Rule public final ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); @Rule public final TemporaryFolder tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder(); @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); testCard = mapper.readValue(CardbaseTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/shivandragon.json"), Card.class); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { uut = new Cardbase(); } /*********************************************************************************** * Constructor tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void cleanCardbaseIsInitialised() throws Exception { assertEquals("Card collection is not empty.", 0, uut.getCards().size()); } @Test public void fileCardbaseIsInitialised() throws Exception { uut = new Cardbase(new File(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile())); assertEquals("Card collection contains the wrong number of card entries.", 6, uut.getCards().size()); class CardInfo { String setCode, number; Integer count; public CardInfo(String setCode, String number, Integer count) { this.setCode = setCode; this.number = number; this.count = count; } } CardInfo[] testCards = new CardInfo[] { new CardInfo("M12", "34", 2), new CardInfo("FRF", "129", 8), new CardInfo("M12", "26", 1), new CardInfo("FRF", "127", 1), new CardInfo("FRF", "128", 1), new CardInfo("M12", "152", 1)}; for (CardInfo ci : testCards) { Card card = uut.getCard(ci.setCode, ci.number); assertNotNull("Missing card, set " + ci.setCode + ", " + ci.number, card); assertEquals("Wrong card count, set " + ci.setCode + ", " + ci.number, ci.count, (Integer) uut.getCount(card)); } } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void loadFileIsNull() throws Exception { exception.expect(NullPointerException.class); uut = new Cardbase(null); } @Test public void loadFileDoesNotExist() throws Exception { File notAFile = tempFolder.newFile(); tempFolder.delete(); exception.expect(IOException.class); uut = new Cardbase(notAFile); } @Test public void loadFileHasWrongStructure() throws Exception { File wrongStructure = tempFolder.newFile("wrongStructure.json"); try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(wrongStructure)) { writer.write("{\"cards\":\"content\",\"collection\":50,\"decks\":{\"subfield\":10}}"); } exception.expect(JsonMappingException.class); uut = new Cardbase(wrongStructure); } @Test public void loadFileHasUnkownStructure() throws Exception { File unkownStructure = tempFolder.newFile("wrongStructure.json"); try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(unkownStructure)) { writer.write("{\"field1\":\"content\",\"field2\":50,\"field3\":{\"subfield\":10},\"list\":[10,20,30]}"); } uut = new Cardbase(unkownStructure); assertEquals("Cardbase should contain 0 cards.", 0, uut.getCards().size()); } @Test public void loadFileIsNotJson() throws Exception { File notJson = tempFolder.newFile("wrongStructure.json"); try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(notJson)) { writer.write("This is a file which does not contain valid JSON."); } exception.expect(JsonParseException.class); uut = new Cardbase(notJson); } /*********************************************************************************** * Saving cardbase tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void cardbaseIsSaved() throws Exception { final int testCount = 5; File testFile = tempFolder.newFile("saveTest.cb"); uut.writeCollection(testFile); uut = new Cardbase(testFile); assertEquals("Cardbase should contain no cards.", 0, uut.getCards().size()); uut.addCard(testCard, testCount); uut.writeCollection(testFile); uut = new Cardbase(testFile); assertEquals("Cardbase should contain 1 card.", 1, uut.getCards().size()); Card card = uut.getCard("M15", "281"); assertNotNull("Cardbase should contain a Shivan Dragon.", card); assertEquals("Cardbase should contain " + testCount + " Shivan Dragon.", testCount, uut.getCount(card)); } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void saveFileCannotBeWrittenTo() throws Exception { File testFile = tempFolder.newFile("saveTest.cb"); testFile.setWritable(false); exception.expect(IOException.class); uut.writeCollection(testFile); } @Test public void saveFileIsNull() throws Exception { exception.expect(NullPointerException.class); uut = new Cardbase(null); } /*********************************************************************************** * Adding card tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void newCardIsAdded() throws Exception { uut.addCard(testCard, 1); Card addedCard = uut.getCard("M15", "281"); assertNotNull("Card was not found in cardbase.", addedCard); assertEquals(testCard, addedCard); } @Test public void existingCardIsIncremented() throws Exception { uut.addCard(testCard, 2); uut.addCard(testCard, 4); Card addedCard = uut.getCard("M15", "281"); assertNotNull("Card was not found in cardbase.", addedCard); assertEquals("Card count was not updated correctly.", 6, uut.getCount(addedCard)); } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void cardAddedIsNull() throws Exception { exception.expect(NullPointerException.class); uut.addCard(null, 0); } /*********************************************************************************** * Removing card tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void cardRemoveCountIsLessThanCardCount() throws Exception { uut.addCard(testCard, 5); int removed = uut.removeCard(testCard, 3); Card removedCard = uut.getCard("M15", "281"); assertNotNull("Card was not found in cardbase.", removedCard); assertEquals("Card count was not updated correctly.", 2, uut.getCount(removedCard)); assertEquals("Cardbase reports wrong removed count.", 3, removed); } @Test public void cardRemoveCountIsEqualToCardCount() throws Exception { uut.addCard(testCard, 5); int removed = uut.removeCard(testCard, 5); Card removedCard = uut.getCard("M15", "281"); assertNull("Card was not removed from cardbase.", removedCard); assertEquals("Cardbase reports wrong removed count.", 5, removed); } @Test public void cardRemoveCountIsGreaterThanCardCount() throws Exception { uut.addCard(testCard, 3); int removed = uut.removeCard(testCard, 5); Card removedCard = uut.getCard("M15", "281"); assertNull("Card was not removed from cardbase.", removedCard); assertEquals("Cardbase reports wrong removed count.", 3, removed); } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void removedCardIsNull() throws Exception { exception.expect(NullPointerException.class); uut.removeCard(null, 0); } @Test public void removedCardIsNotInCardbase() throws Exception { int removed = uut.removeCard(testCard, 1); assertEquals("Removed count should be 0.", 0, removed); } /*********************************************************************************** * Card getter tests, happy path ***********************************************************************************/ @Test public void correctCardIsReturnedByGetter() throws Exception { uut.addCard(testCard, 1); Card card = uut.getCard("M15", "281"); for (Field field : Card.class.getFields()) { assertEquals("Field " + field.getName(), field.get(testCard), field.get(card)); } } @Test public void correctCardCollectionIsReturnedByGetter() throws Exception { uut = new Cardbase(new File(getClass().getResource("/testbase.cb").getFile())); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode rawFile = mapper.readTree(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/testbase.cb")); Map cards = rawFile.get("cards").traverse(mapper).readValueAs(new TypeReference>() {}); assertTrue("Not all cards were returned by the getter.", uut.getCards().containsAll(cards.values())); } /* * Edge cases */ @Test public void getCardIsNotInCardbase() throws Exception { assertNull("Method should have returned null", uut.getCard("M15", "281")); } @Test public void cardCollectionWhenCardbaseIsEmpty() throws Exception { assertEquals("Returned collection size should have been 0.", 0, uut.getCards().size()); } }